We're so excited to have REKA be part of the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/sale/tinyteamsfestival2023][b]Tiny Teams 2023 event[/b][/url]! [h3]A celebration of indie games [/h3] Tiny Teams spotlights a wonderful selection of brilliant indie games, all made by small dev teams like ourselves! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42492896/bace9ce0d9f439d7396dae30a883f48116d508dd.png[/img] From now until the 10th of August, you can discover unique new and upcoming games, including sales and demos to play. Games will be showcased on Steam and Twitch, so keep you eyes peeled over the next week! In the meantime, we're working hard on our game, and we can't wait to unveil the REKA demo at gamescom this year! We'll have more news to share with you soon... Have a great weekend! Emberstorm devs