Kate Winslet once famously asked Leonardo Di Caprio “Do a build update video of me, like one of your French girls” in the celebrated 1997 movie ‘Titanic’. With this in mind, then, the highlight of today’s Mondoid is some giddy Gallic build commentary.   [b]Build 29[/b] Build 29 is deep inside the internal testing process. New sounds are being balanced, forests are being foraged ruthlessly and melee skill points are popping into character stats like nothing that’s ever come before. While applying hot-fixes alongside fellow coder EasyPickins and eradicating bugs [not the edible kind] coder Romain ‘RJ’ Dron found the time to create another of his Upcoming Build videos. If you compare and contrast it with the last one then you’ll notice that he’s stuck a few points into his Video Editing skills as well. Stick around till the end for a very important French lesson.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofGOQDKxPTU You can find the full patch notes for Build 29 [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/10536-upcoming-build-29/]here[/url]. Its IWBUMS branch isn’t super-imminent, but keep an eye on our [url=https://twitter.com/theindiestone]twitter[/url] for any and all updates.   [b]Vehicular Fun[/b] This week the mighty EasyPickins showed us a little something vehicle related, and it was[i]good[/i]. We’ll hold off on any videos for now (mainly because of sound license issues) but the work he’s done on them is something to behold. There are a few technical issues still to resolve, particularly on how multiplayer streaming of cells will deal with high vehicle speeds, so its hard to say when they will be ready. But when they do! Head lamps, suspension, turning wheels, skids and all that physics fun. We’re very very excited! And hopefully we’ll be able to share soon!   [b]Something else[/b] As well as all the usual fun and games of our forums, certain members of our moderating team wanted to abuse their position of privilege by asking for the Mondoidation of the ‘Colour Me Stupid!’ game. It has nothing to do with zombies, but because it’s almost always hilarious [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/87-colour-me-stupid/]we felt it necessary to comply[/url]. [url=http://projectzomboid.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/penguin.png][img=http://projectzomboid.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/penguin.png][/url]   [b]Subscribe![/b] Don’t forget that you can beat the Monday blues by subscribing to our Mondoid mailing list, and get email alerts for all our stable and IWBUMS releases at the same time. Just point your internet in [b][url=http://projectzomboid.com/lists/?p=subscribe&id=1]this direction[/url].[/b]