[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/4460946/3da5e09f36509e05c5b96ec931f12efecce43af6.png[/img] It should go without saying that without George Romero there would be no Project Zomboid. In fact, the entire face of video-gaming would have been very different without his vision. Since its genesis PZ has been about trying to recreate the feeling of Romero’s movies, and there’s no doubt that alongside legions of other video-games, books and movies we owe the man a great debt. We were greatly saddened to hear of his death at the age of 77, and our thoughts are with his family and friends. The legacy he leaves behind is a brilliant and astonishing one. [h1]VEHICLES[/h1] As mentioned last week the public vehicles build is going to keep on getting updates until the point it’s ready to have its stream crossed with an IWBUMS beta – so we can get an ‘experimental vehicles’ option into the main beta channel, get its optimizations into the main game and make tester life easier. Tomorrow Yuri will be updating the public build with a few cool changes. Firstly while playing around with sound implementation we realised that the noise of gear shifts was fairly vital, but also that the behaviour of the cars themselves didn’t leave much room for this – and the inclusion of actual player-controlled gear shifts seemed a little too hardcore. To give a feeling of gears then, to accompany the sounds we have brewing in an FMOD studio, Yuri has changed the way vehicles accelerate. Top speeds are now on a curve: acceleration slows in the last 25% of your potential full speed. This will likely need further tweaking, so feedback is welcome, but should allow us to space out RPM increase in sounds and implement the gear shift noises. It will also, hopefully, make high speed driving more rewarding. To accompany this [url=https://projectzomboid.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/gauges.jpg]Yuri has also added a speedometer (kmh) and engine gauge (revs) to the UI[/url] – although it should be noted that the visuals and read-outs for these are placeholder, and we’ll be converting to mph with an options toggle in due course. Yuri has also fixed a few bugs, so the people of Muldraugh have now stopped occasionally parking their cars on top of other cars. [h1]IWBUMS BETA[/h1] RJ released [url=https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/22595-released-iwbums-build-385/&do=findComment&comment=259509]Build 38.5[/url] into the IWBUMS public beta with a rewrite of his ‘zombie corpse build-up’ code that tracks decaying bodies in a much more localized area than previously. Feedback appreciated as we can certainly tweak this system further. We should be also be getting some ChrisW fixes to the new ‘rooftop exteriors’ engine code later this week – making players beneath supported roofs and overhangs look less broken – before moving onto player-built structure issues and any other issues the system raises in general gameplay. [h1]OTHER STUFF[/h1] [list][*]Mark R will be doing a big check-in of his anims code rewire and layers system (explained [url=https://projectzomboid.com/blog/2017/07/saving-public-zomboid/]here[/url]) this week, bringing it all together and providing a new and improved base from which to get ‘em out to you. In the mean-time Martin the animator and model guy has been working on more military clothing, military vehicle wrecks and other stuff so we’re ready when the time comes.[/*][*]Mash’s map work continues, and will likely land in Build 39. It’s a spread out area that should be fun to explore with vehicles. There’s a bit of it that looks like this:[/*][/list] [url=https://projectzomboid.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/^BEAC7CC042D5107642010F3C045B9EE0855D37A8B376BB243B^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg][img]https://projectzomboid.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/^BEAC7CC042D5107642010F3C045B9EE0855D37A8B376BB243B^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr-300x196.jpg[/img][/url] [list][*]Our composer Zach Beever is back (and graduated! Congrats Zach!) and will be experimenting with layered music that can be heard during play actively fits what’s happening on-screen – build-ups during lulls of non-zombies, more intense during confrontations etc. It’s all quite experimental currently, but its fab to have Zach back in the saddle.[/*][/list] [i]A general list of stuff added to PZ, and vids of features being worked on, is kept[url=https://projectzomboid.com/blog/2017/02/buildstatus/] here[/url] – so you don’t have to plough through endless Mondoids for info. The Block of Italicised Text would like to direct your attention to the [url=http://pzwiki.net/wiki/Main_Page]PZ Wiki[/url] should you feel like editing or amending something, and the [url=https://projectzomboid.com/lists/?p=subscribe&id=1]PZ Mailing List [/url]that can send blogs like this and patch notes direct to your mailbox. We also live on Twitter [url=https://twitter.com/theindiestone]right here[/url]! [url=https://discord.gg/0lGvMrCiUWfAc0eQ]Our Discord [/url]is open for chat and hijinks too.[/i]