Happy Holidays Mr. Mathas, as a present from The Indie Stone here is a very very quick to make Mondoid video! Hello everyone! This is a monumentally quick Mondoid due to the fact that it's the Christmas holidays. Sorry about that everyone. Can we make it up to you by officially releasing Build 30? Despite it being the holidays the awesome RJ and EasyPickins have still found time to pump out the fixes needed to get build 30 in release shape. It's become pretty solid in the past few hotfixes so we think it's ready. Let us know if anything goes amiss! Here is a Christmas rerun of Romain talking about a few of the main features of build 30! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsyuG7Wd7L4 Change-list can be found [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/11292-iwbums-build-30/]here[/url]! There are other fixes and additions not present but we'll try and collate all the hotfix changelists into a huge uber changelist in the coming days. We'll look to get Desura updated ASAP as soon as we're sure nothing's broken. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and see you all in the New Year! Love, The Indie Stone! [url=http://projectzomboid.com/lists/?p=subscribe&id=1][u]Join our newsletter[/u][/url][u] for future updates and blogs, likely with more words in them than this one, sent straight to your email inbox![/u]