[img=http://projectzomboid.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/108600_screenshots_2015-05-31_00002-712x462.jpg]   Hello everyone and welcome to another fine (or dreary) Monday (delete as appropriate)! Today we’ll have a chat with the awesome Martin, who has been plugging away doing a whole wealth of animations and models to add to the game. [b]THIS IS NOT FOR BUILD 33[/b], as it comes with a rewrite of movement, combat, and practically every player and zombie action in the game, but it should be finally ready for build 34. Then the runway is clear for take-off with the final stage of [REDACTED] development, which while still some ways off will finally have all the jigsaw pieces laid out. Due to the length restrictions, you will be able to read the rest of this blogpost here: http://projectzomboid.com/blog/2015/09/re-re-animated/ ːcherrypieː [h1]If you have any problem with the game, please post any support-related questions on our [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/108600/discussions/]discussion hub[/url]. You'll get a notification as soon as someone replied. The comments are not a good place to ask for support since it's hard to reply to specific people directly.[/h1]