[h2]41.68 RELEASED TO UNSTABLE BETA[/h2] [h3]NEW[/h3] - Added allow changing safehouse owner to players which are a member - Added extended server quit logging - Print 'command entered via server console (System.in): "xxx"' in GameServer.launchCommandHandler(). - Added isConsistent() call to GameServer.receiveSyncClothing(). [h3]FORAGING[/h3] - Updated focus check to occur before item preview is placed - Added blocking search focus for sprite affinity items [h3]FIXES[/h3] - Fixed the result of FMOD Studio System getCoreSystem() not being checked properly for errors. - Fixed Lua error clicking the close button in the titlebar of the Horde Manager debug ui. - Fixed a BufferOverflowException when the number of reanimated player zombies is high. (It was taking about 600 player zombies (assuming 1.6KB per descriptor and 1e6KB packet buffer) to be loaded for this exception to happen) - Fixed dragging VHS tapes from world containers to the Device Options ui not being synced in multiplayer. - Fixed repairing a hole in a long Leather Jacket with level 8 Tailoring not restoring condition. - Fixed phantom item-transfer actions playing after crafting sometimes. - Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException in WorldItemModelDrawer.renderMain(). - Fixed starting the MusicCombined event doing network stuff. - Fixed the MusicCombined event being stopped and then restarted the first time Lua is reloaded. HOTFIX Thursday, March 10th Now preparing for a release - so please let us know if anything weird is cropping up out there in server-land. NEW - Added "Enable left joystick radial menu" accessibility option. - Updated community translations. - Added 3D models (not all in-game yet) MODDING - Forbid mod tiledef file numbers outside the range 100 to 8190. File numbers 0-99 are reserved for the game, as was already the case. The old unenforced maximum was 1000, which some mods ignored. Sprite IDs must fit in a signed 32-bit integer (2,147,483,647). Each tiledef file is reserved 512 tilesheets of 512 tiles each. FIXES - Fixed split-screen players, except the last, being unable to drive vehicles in multiplayer. - Fixed unnecessary pause when starting in debug