If you're cool with bugs, and want to support the game, then we'd love to have you on board. Bear in mind any issues WILL be fixed, so if you're cool with that, feel free to buy away. However, if the money is important to you and you want a perfectly stable and polished build out of the gate and no risk of temporary compatibility or performance problems, [b]please consider downloading the demo[/b], even if just to test it runs, and ensuring the game is ready for you, and you are ready for the game. While we're very proud of what we have and many people play the game for hundreds of hours, we are aware the game isn't perfect and may have glitches or performance/compatibility issues on some machines, particularly in the next few days as we suddenly have a ton more of people with different configurations running the game, and an issue on a few machines can suddenly become an issue on hundreds or thousands of machines, and as a small development team our ability to mass test is limited by our prior wonderful customers who were interested in testing. We want everyone who buys to be satisfied in the meantime, even if it costs us sales. If you try the demo and hit these issues, please be kind. We provided it so you didn't spend money to find out it's too early for you, or flat out doesn't run for you, and to help us locate and fix these issues without people paying for the privilege if possible. Please bear with us, and try the demo if you're not offering the early purchase in part to support development. Love, Indie Stone (Remember to try Safe / Compatibility launch option in Steam if you have problems!) [b]Previous customers please note, you can recieve a FREE steam key by following the instructions here: http://projectzomboid.com/blog/2013/09/steam-keys-available-to-all-customers/ [/b]