[img]https://i.imgur.com/YK1cO21.jpg[/img] Hey all, we have just moved Build 40 into the wider IWBUMS public beta – which contains Turbo’s weather and climate system (proper seasons, new shaders, fog, mist, storms that move over the map etc), vehicle improvements and an awful lot of gameplay tweaks, balance and bug fixes. A brief ‘highlights’ changelist can be found below, while [url=https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/24407-released-iwbums-build-408/]the full changelist can be found here[/url]. Please leave feedback [url=https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/24407-released-iwbums-build-408/]in the thread[/url], and bug reports here. Details on how to join the public IWBUMS beta can be found here. Some quick housekeeping notes on this build: [list] [*] There *might* be an annoyance with players still getting wet and feeling temperature effects in vehicles, though this will be patched pretty soon if so. Likewise, – the general impact of temperature on players will be balanced over the course of the IWBUMS beta. [/*] [*] This version has various aspects of car integration converted into Lua so that modding full cars, not just changing skins, is now a lot more viable for modders. Yuri has written detailed guidelines which RingoD has posted up [url=https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/24408-how-to-create-new-vehicle-mods/&tab=comments#comment-274042]here[/url], and we’ve also included a new script to help you convert textures into PZ’s required form. [/*] [*] A lot of engine work and general vehicle improvements have carried on into this build, but still require substantial testing on servers – not to mention a lot of improvements and fixes we’ve been making to MP Admin in general. Feedback on MP, and especially people connecting to distant servers, would be much appreciated. We will be bringing our own public SpiffoSpace IWBUMS test servers online next week. [/*][/list] [h1]40.9 CHANGELIST HIGHLIGHTS[/h1] (For full changelist, and to provide feedback, [url=https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/24407-released-iwbums-build-408/]please visit this thread[/url] on the forums. There are many, many other fixes and balance improvements.) [list] [*] Full weather and climate simulation system recreating true-to-life weather patterns through 365 days of the year. Morning fog, thunderstorms created by virtual weather fronts that move over the map, improved rainfall visuals, visible snowfall and [url=https://projectzomboid.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/pz_climate_color_chart.png]improved rendering to better evoke the time of year, and the time of day[/url].  New SFX. New player character temperature system. [/*][/list] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLg4pLyrrWQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJVLFNxlhTI [list] [*] New MP Chatbox. Primary features include separate chat streams (safehouse, local, global, etc), customizable chat and more intuitive usage and commands. It’s hopefully a lot more convenient now. [/*] [*] New ‘A Storm is Coming’ and ‘The Mist Descends’ scenarios [/*] [*] New system to convert objects placed by mappers so they can be used as functional game objects. This covers items like barricades, campfires, rain barrels, traps, composters, crops etc. [/*] [*] Winter is Coming game mode now works with new climate system. Seasons still impact on this mode – ‘Summer’ highest temperature is 0 degrees centigrade, and winters may drop to -30. After 3 full days a powerful weather period is generated, that will always feature a blizzard. [/*] [*] New MP Admin UI additions including an Items list viewer in the admin panel that can be used to quickly search through, and spawn, items. Also includes the functionality to change in-game settings on the server that don’t require a restart, and clear ways to change admin powers within the UI so hosts can remain admins and play along without advantages. [/*] [*] Improved car handling. New driving traits. New car-battery charger item that’s placed on the ground and interacted with using a context menu. Drunk moodle now has an impact on driver steering input. Players can now be harmed when hit by a car. [/*] [*] Car wrecks can now be dismantled with propane torch and a welding mask. Gathered metal material will depend on your metalwork skill. [/*] [*] Many UI changes to handle different font sizes. Added context-menu font-size option. Re-exported the map to improve zombie density in some farmland and rural areas. [/*] [*] Changed First Week and One Week Later and adjusted settings to make sure that new players aren’t given too easy a ride. Removed Initial Infection. [/*] [*] Added Display option to disable the new roof-hiding feature for low-spec users. Updated menu screen with vertical rather than horizontal options – due to problems with taskbar in latest Windows Updates. [/*] [*] Added chevrons on character screen next to the weight to indicate if weight is increasing or decreasing. [/*] [*] New isoRegions system to detect an enclosed area – player-made or dev-created – to keep weather effects on the outside. [/*] [*] New functionalities for the PZ sound system. Formerly modders couldn’t override sounds in PZ FMOD soundbanks, so when players find certain sounds are too loud or annoying (heartbeat, zombie alert, flies, level up noise etc) it was hard to raise/lower them independently. Details about all the game sounds now go into media/scripts/sounds.txt. A new in-game UI allows users change the volume of any sound they feel is too oppressive. [/*][/list] Again, fuller examination of what’s in the changelist in terms of balance and fixes in [url=https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/24407-released-iwbums-build-408/]this thread[/url] on the forums.