Build 38 has been released to the public, the details of which can be found below. Build 39 will be the current vehicles test build (Vehicle Build 19 available for you to play and feed back on [url=]here[/url]), which will be moved into our normal public IWBUMS beta branch once the dust has settled on 38 in terms of patching. Please note that from this point the traditional Mondoid blog will be moving to Thursday – henceforth to be known as ‘Thursdoid’. This is intended to fit in better with the work schedules of the 3-4 extra contractors we now have working on PZ, provides a better lead-in times for releasing new builds and also because we ran out of Monday puns a long time ago. If you come across any annoying bugs then our tracker lives [url=]here[/url]. Thank you! [url=][img][/img][/url] [h1][b]Version 38: The Pre-Vehicles Build[/b][/h1] [b]Riverside Map Expansion[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] New map area added! The spawn-point town of Riverside, the nearby Knox Heights Country Club, Spa and Golf Course, and many/varied wilderness areas are now ripe and ready for exploration. [list][*]Found west of West Point, and is of equivalent size.[/*][*]Contains new building types, architecture and item tiles.[/*][*]Includes Riverside lootable map[/*][/list] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]World View update[/b] [list][*]The homes, businesses, advertizing hoardings and outhouses are now seen in all their glory – rooftops and all. Building levels above the player are ONLY hidden for the ‘current building’.[/*][*]Windows must now be peeked through by walking up to them, and looking through.[/*][*]Higher levels blocking your view are removed on approach, and hen zombie hazards are present.[/*][*]Exterior walls are no longer stencilled to transparent when you’re outside unless they are actually blocking the view of your character.[/*][/list] [b]MP and Co-op Improvements[/b] [list][*]Zombie placement and movement data shared between players heavily optimized to address cases of zombie lag, zed teleportation, unfair bites and general server strain.[/*][*]‘Server Save’ pause server option for larger servers that pauses the action when saving, reducing instances of sudden zombie lag.[/*][*]Added a “Level Up” button on the player stats UI to quickly level up a perk without using global point.[/*][*]Added a n easy way for modders to add columns to their scrolling lists.[/*][*]Added an UI for admin to manage player’s inventory.[/*][/list] [b]Corpse Management[/b] [list][*]You can now dig graves with a shovel and bury multiple corpses inside.[/*][*]New carpentry crafting items: wooden cross, a cairn and a wooden memorial picket to go alongside the graves you dig.[/*][*]Large piles of rotten corpses will make you feel ill and sad if you stay close to them for extended periods.[/*][/list] [b]New Sandbox options:[/b] [list][*]Generator Spawn: Increase/decrease the chance of electrical generators spawning on the map.[/*][*]Generator Fuel Consumption: Impacts how much fuel is consumed by generators. A generator that needs no fuel should be set to 0.0. (Replaces GeneratorFuelConsumed server option)[/*][*]Randomized House Chance: Increase/decrease probability of discovering randomized safe houses on the map: either burnt out, containing loot stashes, dead survivor bodies etc.[/*][*]Annotated Map Chance: Impacts on how often a looted map will have annotations marked on it by a deceased survivor.[/*][*]Zombie Construction Damage: Governs whether or not zombies can destroy player constructions and defences.[/*][*]Free Trait Points: Adds free points during character creation.[/*][*]Player-built Construction Strength: Gives player-built constructions extra hit points so they are more resistant to zombie damage.[/*][*]Day/Night Active Zombies: Governs whether zombies are more active during the day, or whether they act more nocturnally. Inactive zombies will be slower, and tend not to give chase.[/*][*]Nocturnal Darkness: Governs how dark it gets at night.[/*][*]Injury Severity: Increase and decrease the impact that injuries have on your body, and their healing time.[/*][*]Bone Fracture: Enable or disable broken limbs when survivors receive injuries from impacts, zombie damage and falls.[/*][*]Time Before Corpse Removal: Number of in-game hours before zombie corpses are automatically removed from the map. (Replaces former HoursForCorpseRemoval server option).[/*][*]Decaying Corpse Health Impact: Governs impact that nearby decaying bodies has on the player’s health and emotions[/*][*]Clothing Degradation: Governs how quickly clothing degrades, becomes dirty and bloodied – or if it does at all.[/*][*]Randomization of zombie Speed, Strength, Toughness and Cognition. (Or just Strength, Toughness and Cognition.)[/*][*]Fire spread (previously ‘No Fire spread’ in server options): governs whether or not fire can spread.[/*][/list] [b]Clothing Degradation[/b] [list][*]Clothing can now become dirty over extended periods, dependant on your activities.[/*][*]Fighting zombies will make your clothing bloody.[/*][*]If you’re wearing dirty or bloody clothing over an open wound then chances of infection (normal infection, not zombie) will increase.[/*][*]Clothing now also has durability, every time you get hit you’ll lose a little.[/*][*]Some clothing is more resistant than others.[/*][/list] [b]Optimization – in preparation for incoming Vehicles build[/b] [list][*]Optimized Garbage Collection.[/*][*]LightingJNI optimized.[/*][*]Fixed surge in memory usage of 2-300 MB that can stall the game.[/*][*]Optimized map loading.[/*][*]Fixed Voice Manager being enabled in SP. [Should give an improvement in FPS, especially on slower systems][/*][/list] [b]Custom Map Loading change[/b] [list][*]New “Select spawn location” screen after map mod selection[/*][*]All map mods now load, including spawnpoints.[/*][*]A ‘multi-map’ mod no longer needs to be created. ‘Map Mod Priority order’ setting added to highlight which maps are given precedence if there are geographical overlaps and conflicts, with warnings also given to player.[/*][/list] [b]Balance Changes[/b] [list][*]Increased nutrition values of fish and berries slightly.[/*][*]Increased player construction hit points.[/*][*]TV and Radio programmes now have an impact on the character’s moodles. If watching an instructional show then an XP multiplier is received.[/*][*]Sleeping outside in rain will wake players up, unless they are in a tent or under a player made structure with roof.[/*][*]First aid kits now spawn with sterilized bandages, rather than regular bandages.[/*][*]Can now sterilize bandages in a boiling pot of water.[/*][*]Mattresses can now be made using a suture needle as well as a regular needle.[/*][*]Spices now usable as the first item in pasta/rice (eg. marinara).[/*][/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list][*]Fixed zombie memory “none” sandbox option not working.[/*][*]Fixed a bug with phases of the moon not affecting ambient light at night.[/*][*]Fixed water pouring bug.[/*][*]Fixed street lights still being active when electricity was down.[/*][*]Fixed being able to access rival player’s safehouses through cheeky carpentry cheating.[/*][*]Fixed being able to climb through windows into a player’s safehouse.[/*][*]Fixed multiple aspects of UI not working with a gamepad (foraging, lootable maps, sandbox options etc.[/*][*]Added ‘deadzone’ options to settings to alleviate problems with gamepad players sleeping.[/*][*]Large amounts of smal items will now correctly fill up container space available.[/*][*]Fixed Book Reading interrupted when player aims a weapon.[/*][*]Fixed Characters losing fraction of XP on save.[/*][*]Added missing “spawn point” options in the server settings GUI.[/*][*]Added missing ‘world filler’ sprite visuals.[/*][*]Fixed possible bug with alarm being reset.[/*][*]Fixed always raining when loading/starting a game.[/*][*]Fixed rare bug with the crafting UI.[/*][*]Fixed a bug with the getLightFoodMod() calculation.[/*][*]Fixed evolved recipe drinks not being able to be drunk when an item could be added to it (the coffee bug).[/*][*]Fixed crafting issue with Hot Cuppa.[/*][/list] [h1][b]Updates[/b][/h1] [h1]38.28[/h1]Nov 16 [FEATURE] Bandages created from bloody clothing taken from Zombies, now have a small chance of causing player to become infected, if it has not been properly cleaned before being applied. [FEATURE] Reimplemented flies buzzing near corpses.  Added flies volume Audio option. [BALANCE] Clothes are now more likely to be bloody when coming from a zombie. [BALANCE] Increased places where Hunting Knife can spawn. [FIX] Removed lowest lighting option due to no performance difference between Low and Lowest. [FIX] Converted server option WorldItemRemovalExlusionList to WorldItemRemovalList effectively changig it from a whitelist to a blacklist. [FIX] Added obsolete tag to certain items. [FIX] Fixed lua error picking up furniture affecting players at random. (Issues 516, 1209, 1219) [FIX] Fixed VOIP memory usage merge glitch. [FIX] Fixed eat sound playing when drinking HotDrink item. (Issue 1220) [FIX] Disabled corpse sickness challenges 1/2/4/5. [FIX] Fixed Cooking Pot with Water not heating up. (Issue 1160) [FIX] Fixed bugs when displayName was different than username. [FIX] Fixed teleporting splitscreen players. [FIX] Fixed ISTextBox controller focus bug when clicking a button with the mouse. [FIX] Fixed displayName being "Bob" for new players. [FIX] If player is over max capcity, planks will be dropped on floor when unbarricading. [FIX] Fixed Ctrl+A over collapsed inventory window prevents movement. (Issue 1164) [FIX] Fixed "User Panel" "Admin Panel" etc button alignment [FIX] Fixed IsoGridSquare.discard() not resetting haveElectricity / haveSheetRope. [FIX] Fixed microwave looping sound not stopping sometimes in multiplayer. [FIX] Fixed microwave timer sync in multiplayer. [FIX] Fixed microwave sound not playing after loading a savegame if the microwave was already on. [FIX] load() isn't called on the main thread so it shouldn't be trying to play audio. [FIX] Typo Highlited -> Highlighted [FIX] Fixed ZombieUpdatePacker exception. Seen when client was disconnecting. [FIX] Fixed generators not marking squares as having electricty sometimes. When chunks near generators were loaded after the generator, squares on those chunks weren't getting the haveElectricty flag set. [FIX] Fixed /card and /roll client command bugs with accessLevel. [FIX] Fixed lua exception after disconnecting from server with accessLevel != none. [FIX] Use equals() instead of startsWith() when checking server command names. (Issue 1168). Also changed handleClientCommand() to use the same argument-parsing code as handleServerCommand() (so quotes are optional in /changepwd). [FIX] Fixed incorrect assert in ServerMap.init() [FIX] Fixed server NullPointerException with ThunderStorm and zombified player. [FIX] Fixed lua error after removing all entries from the server list. (Issue 1171) [FIX] Fixed door locking/unlocking with keys in multiplayer. (Issue 1154) [FIX] syncIsoObjectSend() was getting called before this.lockedByKey was changed. [FIX] Fixed "NullPointer in BodyDamage breaks save" [FIX] Corpses not being removed in mp [FIX] lua error when selecting "spawn next to player X" [FIX] Fixed sterilize bandages all only sterilizing one bandage [FIX] Fixed no spawnpoint screen, new game loads current savefile. [FIX] Fixed GameClient.ServerSpawnRegions not being cleared after disconnecting. [FIX] Added WorldSelect UI to choose from multiple disjoint groups of maps. [FIX] The new "SELECT WORLD" UI is displayed when there are enabled map mods whose maps don't join the game's (i.e., stand-alone maps). [FIX] The new MapGroups class is responsible for putting each disjoint set of maps into a MapGroup.  It also has methods for reporting map-overlap conflicts. [FIX] ModOrderUI now only displays maps with conflicts to reduce confusion to the user.  It is still possible for the number of conflicts listed to extend off the bottom of the ui, it needs fixing. [FIX] Removed references to obsolete WorldScreen (now it's LoadGameScreen). [FIX] Removed obsolete LastStandChallengeSelect.lua [FIX] Removed West Point from the "Add an available map" combobox in the server-settings editor. [FIX] Fixed default server spawnregions not including Riverside and Rosewood. [FIX] ServerSettingsScreen do-nothing Lua fix. [FIX] UI tweaks in MapSpawnSelect [FIX] Fixed adding incorrect map coordinates in the Server Settings spawnpoint file editor. [FIX] Fixed lua errors when adding mods and maps by name in the Server Settings editor. [FIX] Fixed custom spawn regions not displaying in the Select Spawn Location screen [FIX] The name of a spawn region was being treated as a map folder name, which isn't always the case, it's simply a human-readable label. [FIX] Fixed setaccesslevel from server console/rcon not updating database. [FIX] TYPO: Changed instances of "god mod" to "god mode" [FIX] Fixed broken weapons sometimes not being marked broken after combat. (Issue 1206) This could happen with 2 hits in the same swing. [FIX] Fixed allowing stacked crates to exceed wall height with 2x. (Issue 1208) [FIX] Fixed IsoStove constructor adding to IsoCell.ProcessIsoObjects. [FIX] GrabItemAction calls InventoryItem:setWorldItem(nil) [FIX] Fixed some AlarmClock and rain-collecting-item issues. [FIX] Fixed stopping an AlarmClock not being synced in mp. [FIX] Fixed AlarmClock settings not changing on the server, only the clients. [FIX] Fixed fridge/freezer works when moved outside a room before hydro shuts off. (Issue 1204) [FIX] Dismantling a radio/walkie-talkie returns the battery and headphones. (Issue 1202) [FIX] Fixed stash system modifying buildings after they had been visited. [FIX] Fixed stash system not being reset after exiting a game and starting another. [FIX] Fixed stash system exception exiting mp game after playing a sp game. [FIX] Fixed non-working light in MP for other players after moving indoor or outdoor lamp. [FIX] Fixed LightingJNI exception during startup before ChunkMap was created. [FIX] Fixed IsoMetaChunk.removeZone() not removing reference to the removed zone. [FIX] Fixed errors with Pasta created from a spice. [FIX] Don't display savefile name in spawn-point ui in splitscreen. [FIX] Pasta/Rice recipes not allowing any more items when creating the initial item from a spice. [FIX] Fixed "Gode Mode" typo [FIX] Use translated names when radio broadcasts increase a skill. (Issue 1118) [FIX] Made perk columns as wide as needed in the Player Stats admin panel. (Issue 1147) [FIX] Fixed spawn-with-player spawnpoints not working in splitscreen. [FIX] Fixed ISTextBox bug with controller that broken splitscreen. (Issue 1106) [FIX] Fixed lua error using the mousewheel to scroll through containers when the current container isn't in the list. [FIX] Fixed position of two tickboxes in the options screen at 1280x720. [FIX] Fixed corpses sometimes stay highlighted (again). [FIX] Optimized rendering the inventory windows to reduce garbage creation. [FIX] The load-game screen displays an indicator next to dead-player savefiles. [FIX] Fixed "Continue" button showing the new-game screen for dead-player savefiles. [FIX] Fixed not being able to enter a savefile name when there is only one spawn region. [FIX] Fixed map screen not showing up when map is in the Loot Window. [FIX] Fixed infinite icecream bug [MODDING] OnZombieUpdate now triggers serverside, as well as clientside. [h1]38.22[/h1] Oct 5 [Bug Fix] Fixed tutorial/challenges not working. Fixed linux version's .json. Fixed corpses not being removed in MP. [h1]38.21[/h1] Oct 2 [Bug Fix] Fixed saves with map mods not able to load. [h1]38.20[/h1] [Bug Fix] Fixed radio sound related bugs. Fixed some missing sounds/various fmod related problems. Fixed zombies not being able to thump windows/barricade. Fixed changing owner of a faction not being synced. Fixed craftingUI recipes list not being auto-sorted. Improved CTRL + A select all, to not be so detrimental in movement. Fixed adding fuel in BBQ not working. [h1]Build 38.19[/h1] Sept 26 [New] You can now build log wall with dirty rags. [Balance] Increased a tad pain killer duration. Increased a tad soap spawn rate. Increased soap duration (from 10 uses to 20). [Bug Fix] Fixed generator being reset on reload on MP. Fixed not being able to forage (missing zones). Fixed wrong calculation in bleeding/scratch time. Infinite bleeding time should be fixed. Exported new tiles in 1x (to fix some people not seeing new graves tile). Fixed nullPointer during SleepEvent. [h1]38.18[/h1] Sept 25 [Bug Fix] Hopefully fix for generator in MP! (cannot really reproduce here, so tough to fix :/) [h1]Build 38.17[/h1] Sept 25 [Bug Fix] Moved zone saving into meta_zone.bin, this should avoid bufferunderflow and causing map_meta to fail loading: Fix alarms being reset Fix safehouses being reset May fix generator (can't be sure for now) Removed HoursForCorpseRemoval from server options, it's now a sandbox options. Fixed wrong Soap spawning (not able to wash clothings). Fixed flies not being removed in case of bodies were removed by server. [h1]Build 38.16[/h1]Sept 24 [Balance] Lowered flies sound threshold. Lowered flies sound volume. [Bug Fix] Fixed mac version not working Fixed black square near West Point.