A few things likely missing on this list, but many many fixes and additions.   [b][BUG FIX][/b] [LIST] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-838-servers-add-to-public-list-with-publicfalse/]#838[/url][/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-841-log-wall/]#841[/url][/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-850-gamebreaking-sheet-rope-issue-build-29-iwbms/]#850[/url][/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-852-build-29-sleeping-heartbeat-sound-bug/]#852[/url][/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-830-rechargable-batteries/]#830[/url][/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-840-reversed-strafing-animation/]#840[/url][/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-842-shelves-are-bare/]#842[/url][/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-844-foraging-on-wooden-floors/]#844[/url][/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-839-not-able-to-fish-with-insects-as-bait/]#839[/url][/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-827-feed-level-resets/]#827[/url] (even if I can't change the tracker status.. :()[/*] [*]Fixed 100% CPU on Linux server.[/*] [*]Fixed high lag issue on multiplayer.[/*] [*]Lowered fire sound.[/*] [*]Added a heart beat volume option.[/*] [*]Stop hammer/sawing sounds when interrupting a carpentry action.[/*] [*]Update the loot window after cutting down a tree (so the logs/twigs/branches appear).[/*] [*]Framerate fix for food warming/cooling.[/*] [*]Don't do ambient sound when the game is paused.[/*] [*]Removed some debug output.[/*] [*]Improved dialogue font to be more readable and not scale with zoom[/*] [/LIST]   [b][BALANCE][/b] [LIST] [*]Modified some experience needed for level on some skills.[/*] [/LIST]   [b][NEW STUFF][/b] [LIST] [*]Tons of new sounds (74 so far and counting !) [LIST] [*]Ambient sounds: scream, dogs, wolves, owls... Depending on your current zone and day time.[/*] [*]New crafting sound: saw logs, duct tape, slicing food...[/*] [*]New foot step sounds.[/*] [*]And much more...[/*] [/LIST] [/*] [*]New Scavenge skill (does not require any tools, usefull for MP !): [LIST] [*]Go into the forest and right click "scavenge", you'll find berries, mushrom, worms and other edible plants/insect.[/*] [*]The number and the type of food found will depend on your skill.[/*] [*]Plants/insect aren't unlimited in a zone, if after a while you don't find anything, go elsewhere and try again, they'll be replenished after a while.[/*] [/LIST] [/*] [*]Little revamp of the melee skill: [LIST] [*]Blunt and blade now have 3 sub skills:[/*] [*]Accuracy: Influences hit chance, damage done, critical chance..[/*] [*]Guard: Helps you to avoiding being scratched when wearing a weapon.[/*] [*]Maintenance: Helps you to not lower the condition of your weapon when using it.[/*] [*]Accuracy and reloading skills are now part of the sub skill : Ranged.[/*] [*]Balanced how the weapon knock down a zombie (basically, a bit less knock down if the attack is not fully charged).[/*] [/LIST] [/*] [*]New crafting: make axe and hammer from stones, tree branch and ripped sheet.[/*] [*]The stone hammer condition decrease when you build things with it (like walls, floor..)[/*] [*]Build log walls with 0 in carpentry skill, they are strong but really expensive (4 logs and 4 ripped sheets/twine/rope), usefull when you don't have a saw and you want to build things ![/*] [*]Added a sub menu "Wall" in the construction menu.[/*] [*]Chopping trees can drop branches and/or twigs.[/*] [*]Panic will decrease faster if you have survived for a while (you get used to zombies, but still get jump scare).[/*] [*]Fishes aren't unlimited anymore, after fishing in a zone for a while, you won't find anything, go fish elsewhere, the fishes will be replenished after some time.[/*] [*]The items Bandages (the one you get from rip your clothing) is now call Ripped Sheets, still can act as bandage.[/*] [*]Added trapping skill books.[/*] [*]Traps won't catch animal if a player is around.[/*] [*]Renamed Scavenge in Forage.[/*] [*]Push a zombie on a fence won't make it climb it, but return in attack mode.[/*] [*]Added more chance to hit with a ranged weapon if the target is really close.[/*] [*]No auto age for item being respawned by the server.[/*] [*]Added a 15 mins day length options in sandbox.[/*] [*]Added wine in loot distribution.[/*] [*]Now render the dead body in 3D.[/*] [*]Tweaked "Customise Character" screen to allow choosing skin color, chest hair and stubble.  Use comboboxes instead of left/right buttons.[/*] [*]nightlengthmodifier server option (default 1.0) for altering night length[/*] [/LIST] [b][BUG FIX][/b] [LIST] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-751-unbarricading-twice/]#000751[/url][/*] [*]Fixed rain barrel and trap data not being updated on the server when IsoThumpables were destroyed on a client.[/*] [*]Fixed cases where lighting + vision weren't updated when objects were added/removed.[/*] [*]Fixed zombies continuing to thump destroyed objects in multiplayer.[/*] [*]Fixed traps not being updated if the map area containing the trap was never loaded.[/*] [*]Fixed issues placing and interacting with traps.[/*] [*]Remove grass blend tiles when taking sand/dirt/gravel with the shovel.[/*] [*]Fixed corpses sharing inventory with a zombie.[/*] [*]Fixed no zombies spawning after a server soft-reset.[/*] [*]Fixed soft-reset exception with traps.[/*] [*]Fix for missing zombies in Last Stand challenge 2.[/*] [*]No more tree chopping with a frying pan, baseball bat etc.[/*] [*]Sometimes there were 2 trees on the same grid.[/*] [*]Lighting fixed for sand bags.[/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-652-fencewalls-blocks-gardening-options/]#652[/url].[/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-769-campfire-deletes-bodies/]#769[/url].[/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-761-my-water-tastes-like-burning/]#761[/url].[/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-784-instant-death-from-food-poisoning/]#784[/url].[/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-775-cant-use-plain-paper-to-start-fire/]#775[/url].[/*] [*]Fixed issue [url=http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/tracker/issue-773-plant-health-over-100/]#773[/url].[/*] [*]Fixed zombies thumping carpentry window frames instead of climbing through them (unless barricaded).[/*] [*]Fixed some reloading issues.[/*] [*]Fixed an issue with attacking a zombie that was climbing over a fence.[/*] [*]Fixed player corpse inventory sync in MP.[/*] [/LIST] [b][BALANCE][/b] [LIST] [*]Increase the drop rate of petrol can.[/*] [*]Decrease the spawn rate of paintings and farming seeds inside crates.[/*] [*]Increased the water bottle loot rate.[/*] [*]Some change on melee combat : no more always 50% chance knock down, endurance used tweaked (it'll prob need more balancing, need feed back ;)).[/*] [/LIST]   [b][TRANSLATION][/b] [LIST] [*]Updated Russian, Japanese, German, Spanish, Czech and Italian translations.[/*] [/LIST]