[img=http://projectzomboid.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/108600_screenshots_2015-07-25_00001-712x462.jpg]   Mash here, a last-minute substitution for your usual starter Will. Will I drop the ball? Not if I immediately pass it to other people! Here’s a sneak peek at a WIP of the new radio/TV UI that Turbo is currently working on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG7GM1Srkn8 In the words of Turbo: “There can be 2 of these panels open at max, one for a radio in inventory and one for the radio/tv’s in world. The panels have modular subpanels that can be loaded depending on device type. Shown in vid are the basic panels, other optional panels will include tape, VHS tape, scanner etc.” And the ball goes to RJ! He’s working on some new things to do with botany. We’ll release more details soon, but for now we’ll just that that it will have some big implications for those who like to rough it in the wilderness. Noooo don’t pass the ball back to me!  Quick, what other news do we have? This week in Creative, we’ve managed to get better landscaping tools into the game. This will allow you to do nice paths, roads, grass and mud patches and for it to blend seamlessly as you paint. We were planning on holding off on this feature, however it became clear it was a must to be able to quickly make larger areas. And in case you missed it, here’s a replay of SirTWiggy’s livestream using Creative mode to build TwiggyVille from the ground up (please excuse bugs/crashes). Highlights include building playgrounds near a highway, and a school next to a bar and gun store.  What fantastic violations of zoning codes will YOU create in Creative mode? [url=http://www.twitch.tv/sirtwiggy/v/8411655]http://www.twitch.tv/sirtwiggy/v/8411655[/url] Uh oh, now the ball is in my heads again! Umm… my secret project is going well, and hopefully we’ll be able to reveal its results soon! *BUZZER* Well, nothing exploded, but I think we’ll all be happy when Will comes back next week. [i]This week’s header image is from [url=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=487773533]Opt_0 on Steam[/url].  Have loads of PZ knowledge to impart? Why not contribute to the [url=http://pzwiki.net/]PZ Wiki[/url]? Also, stay on top of Mondoids and other big news with our[url=http://projectzomboid.com/lists/?p=subscribe&id=1]email subscription.[/url][/i]