[h1]41.68 compiled changelist[/h1] [i](Also including 41.67 from the unstable branch)[/i] [h3]MP[/h3] [list][*] Cheat control [*] Each anti-cheat can now be disabled via server option [*] Several anti-cheats can now be configured via server option [*] Anti-cheats are disabled by default for co-op hosted servers [*] Max/Min/Default values hint is added to ServerOptionChange UI window for double and integer server options [*] Old SafetySystem tooltip text is changed in accordance with new icon [*] GhostMod and NoClip are removed when admin gets player access level [*] Adjusted anti-cheat thresholds [*] Player is not kicked on coop host server [*] Adjust MP gain XP limit by sandbox XPMultiplier value [*] Fixed typo in UI\_ValidationFailed\_Type9 [*] System property "rconlo" is added to make RCON server listen on loopback interface only [*] New IsoObjectID class replaces ZombieIDMap. [*] Limit the "mods" string reported by Steam servers to 128 characters. A new keyvalue "modCount" reports the actual number of mods used by the server. The server browser and favorites list will display "... and N more" after the list of mods, when there are more mods than are displayed.  This is to fix some servers reporting ??? as their version number, which prevents people from joining. [*] The server will exit if there are syntax errors in the servername\_SandboxVars.lua file. [*] The server's servername\_SandboxVars.lua is saved after loading it to update it to the latest version with comments. [*] Added missing buttons to disable toggle in admin panel UI [*] Added closing admin panel UI if player has no access level or revoked privileges [*] Added closing safezone tool UI if player has no access level or revoked privileges [*] Clarified safehouse tooltip - show all reasons why a safehouse cannot be claimed [*] Added server option "SafehouseAllowNonResidential" to allow claiming all buildings [*] Added confirmation before releasing a safe house [*] Fixed the owner sometimes showing in safehouse member list [*] Added check when releasing safehouse if player is the current owner or an admin [*] Fixed DisableSafehouseWhenPlayerConnected teleporting players outside when a player is removed while there are members online [*] Fixed DisableSafehouseWhenPlayerConnected never replacing the safehouse after a player disconnects [*] Added updating of the safehouse online member count periodically [*] Added allow changing safehouse owner to players which are a member [*] Added extended server quit logging [*] Print 'command entered via server console (System.in): "xxx"' in GameServer.launchCommandHandler(). [*] Added isConsistent() call to GameServer.receiveSyncClothing(). [*] Fixed both options on yes/no confirmation when quitting a safehouse removed the player [*] Fixed zombie that can be deleted by admin or zombie owner [*] Fixed server hanging on quit command because of active RCON connection [*] Fixed CD and VHS tapes possibly being different for each client. [*] Fixed GlobalModData.save() not being called on the server. [*] Fixed ZomboidRadio.Save() not being called when other things are saved on the server.  It was called every 10 game-world minutes, however. [*] Fixed Lua error in ISPlayerStatsManageInvUI after calling the /additem command in multiplayer. [*] Fixed issues with the Stitch packet. [*] Fixed repeated exceptions in GameClient.sendAddedRemovedItems() when a container object is null for some reason. [*] Fixed adding items to or removing items from containers not being synced in multiplayer if the player teleports before the changes are reported to the server.  This was one cause of the issue fixed above.[/list] [h3]NEW[/h3] [list][*] Added "Enable left joystick radial menu" accessibility option. [*] Updated community translations. [*] Added 3D models (not all in-game yet)[/list] [h3]ENGINE[/h3] [list][*] Updated Windows and Linux FMOD to 2.02.05. [*] Added error checking and logging when initializing FMOD.  The sound system is disabled when errors occur.[/list] [h3]MODDING[/h3] [list][*] Made the maximum allowed tiledef file number 16382. File numbers 0-99 are reserved for the game, as was already the case. The old unenforced maximum was 1000, which some mods ignored. Sprite IDs must fit in a signed 32-bit integer (2,147,483,647). Each tiledef file is reserved 512 tilesheets of 512 tiles each. However: please note that values higher than 8190 result in NEGATIVE sprite IDs. Numbers higher than 16382 definitely aren't allowed due to using 32-bit integers to hold sprite IDs. [/list]   [h3]FORAGING[/h3] [list][*] Added Search Focus system for foraging [*] focus is set in the investigate area window [*] only one focus may be active at a time [*] increases chance to find certain categories of item when searching [*] player must be skilled enough to identify the item category to focus on it [*] focus effectiveness is determined by player skill and category [*] hidden item categories will not be rerolled (rare find protection) [*] square must be valid to roll the item type (cannot be used to find plants on roads) [*] Fixed duplicate clothing effect displayed in ZoneDisplay tooltip [*] Fixed missing per player render flag in ISBaseIcon [*] Tidied spriteAffinities definitions [*] General tidying and alignment of tables [*] Removed stone/firewood identify category skill requirement [*] Added translations for search focus functions [*] Added controller support for search focus [*] Fixed medicinal herbs requirement - check for recipe instead of trait "Herbalist" [*] Fixed tooltips flickering in Zone Display [*] Added tooltip to make long tips easier to read without scrolling [*] Added zone display tip for using search focus [*] Updated focus check to occur before item preview is placed [*] Added blocking search focus for sprite affinity items[/list] [h3]BALANCE[/h3] [list][*] Fixed Axeman not applying bonus for swing speed [*] Added correct adjustment of exercise fatigue. [*] Updated community translations.[/list] [h3]FIXES[/h3]   [list][*] Fixed car dashboard delay when taking damage [*] Fixed doors missing their glass, and the triangle-shaped floors\_exterior\_natural\_01 dirt tile. [*] Fixed disassembling player-built floors resulting in two floor tiles after reloading, an auto-generated wood floor plus a dirt tile. [*] Fixed the result of FMOD[noparse]::[/noparse][noparse]Studio::[/noparse][noparse]System::[/noparse]getCoreSystem() not being checked properly for errors. [*] Fixed Lua error clicking the close button in the titlebar of the Horde Manager debug ui. [*] Fixed a BufferOverflowException when the number of reanimated player zombies is high.  (It was taking about 600 player zombies (assuming 1.6KB per descriptor and 1e6KB packet buffer)  to be loaded for this exception to happen) [*] Fixed dragging VHS tapes from world containers to the Device Options ui not being synced in multiplayer. [*] Fixed repairing a hole in a long Leather Jacket with level 8 Tailoring not restoring condition. [*] Fixed phantom item-transfer actions playing after crafting sometimes. [*] Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException in WorldItemModelDrawer.renderMain(). [*] Fixed starting the MusicCombined event doing network stuff. [*] Fixed the MusicCombined event being stopped and then restarted the first time Lua is reloaded. [*] Fixed split-screen players, except the last, being unable to drive vehicles in multiplayer. [*] Fixed unnecessary pause when starting in debug[/list]