[previewyoutube=SSuj6gnXLzg;full][/previewyoutube] [h1][b]Patch Notes[/b][/h1] [u][b]Store Overhaul[/b][/u] [list] [*] Replacing Daily Offers with total Item Catalogs for Monsters and Specialists [*] Most of the cosmetic items will be available in the store and will be purchasable via Tickets [*] All Items will have descriptions to add more flavor and potentially touch on our lore [*] The store will be modified to offer sales on both PlayCoins Packs and Cosmetic Items themselves [/list] [b][u]Matchmaking System[/u][/b] [list] [*] Players will select their role from the Main Menu and quickly be able to find and join matches as that role [*] Monster Players will always serve as the host player [*] Removed Host Migration [*] Allow Specialist players who die early in the match to be rewarded for their accomplishments and move on to the next game, without having to wait until the end [*] If the Monster ever leaves the game, all players will be returned to the Main Menu and receive their match rewards [*] Party system and Private matches are not going to make it in this update but will be added ASAP [/list] [u][b]Map Vote[/b][/u] [list] [*] When loading into a match, all players will get to vote on the map they want to play [*] Monster Player's votes will have a slightly higher weight than Specialists [*] Once all votes are in, the game will pick a map from the votes at random (More votes for a map equals a higher chance of it getting picked but it is not guaranteed) [/list] [u][b]Comms System[/b][/u] [list] [*] Added a Radio Comms System for Specialists [*] Players can select one of the predetermined prompts to effectively communicate needs and warnings with their squadmates [*] All maps have been segmented into specific named sections and when the comms system is used it will reference this section’s name in the callout [*] The player’s current location will be visible on their HUD and will be used to contextualize callouts [/list] [b][u]Huggy Hatches Changes[/u][/b] [list] [*] Removing the Huggy Hole mini-game from Project Playtime [*] Replacing the old system with a less intrusive experience [*] Players will still lose one heart upon being deposited; for every 60 uninterrupted seconds they will lose an additional life [*] Only one Specialist is allowed per hatch [/list] [b][u]EKG HUD[/u][/b] [list] [*] Replacing the current Specialist HUD with a stylized EKG-Centric Display [*] Updated Player State Icons [*] Additional Player State Icon for the new “Carried” State [/list] [u][b]Misfit Pit[/b][/u] [list] [*] Explores a different section of the larger Destroy-a-Toy facility [*] This map is designed to be a fast-paced, action-packed map that will keep Specialists on their toes [*] This map is a cylindrical design with three floors and unique Line-of-sight opportunities for Monsters and Specialists [*] This level was also designed with the flow of chases in mind to make every encounter impactful and memorable [/list] [u][b]Coming Soon Event Toybox[/b][/u] [list] [*] Added a limited-time free toy box for all players that is exclusively tickets [*] Players can earn up to 50,000 tickets! [/list] [u][b]Sound Rebalance[/b][/u] [list] [*] Attenuations on Monsters, Players, and environment sounds have been reigned in to make a more immersive and fun experience. [/list] [u][b]Pipe Nerf[/b][/u] [list] [*] The pull pipe has been nerfed to require two hands per rail to start pulling the pipe down [*] A new texture on the rails has been implemented to reflect this change [/list] [u][b]Start of Match Changes[/b][/u] [list] [*] The monster countdown and train arrival sequence are being removed since they are no longer required [*] Intro Sequence - At the start of the match you will see a sequence a camera sweep of your character and any equipped cosmetics [/list] [u][b]Balance Changes[/b][/u] [list] [*] Specialists will now get a small speed boost upon being hit to try and extend chases and make them more impactful [*] Specialists also get temporary invulnerability upon rescue from the hatch [*] Specialists also get a speed bonus for reviving a teammate [*] Dash handles are being removed from all maps [*] Specialists now have a deeper crouch making hiding easier [*] Monsters' Footsteps volume and attenuation are reduced while crouching [*] Merged Total Lockdown’s effects into No Escape [*] Merged Directionless’ effects into Living Nightmare [/list] [u][b]QOL Changes[/b][/u] [list] [*] Almost all of our assets in-game have been further optimized to help the game run better on low-end specs [*] UI is now more performant for our players [/list] [b]100+ Bugs Fixed![/b]