Hot Fix 6/1/2023 [h3]Improvements[/h3] [list] [*]Sound pack UI now shows which sound pack you have selected [*]Scoreboard and status now displays perk level [bronze, silver, gold] [*]Improved audio levels and attenuation for monsters [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*]Settings and perks now save and load properly [*]Fixed player status UI not displaying properly [*]Fixed "50 playcoins" reward from showing every time the game launches [*]Fixed mommy getting stuck in vents when grappling [*]Fixed loading screens not showing in inventory until a game restart [*]Fixed inaccurate pricing on some UI [*]Fixed bug where other players could interfere with collage puzzle [*]Fixed duplicate items showing up in some UI [/list]