[h1][b]Hotfix 6/14/23[/b][/h1] [list] [*] Fixed Crash door collision bug [*] Fixed Emote icons not present on emote wheel [*] Fixed Grabpack Audio directionality [*] Fixed Shutdown Sabotage cooldown doesn't start when puzzles are repaired [*] Fixed Pickup of toy parts feeling inconsistent [*] Fixed Survivors being able to cross tracks on Destroy-A-Toy [*] Fixed Boxy entering bugged state when landing with long jump button held [*] Fixed Pipe pulldown only pulls when two hand are on [*] Fixed Lobbies with more than 7 players [*] Fixed Scroll Wheel Jumping and Third Person unbound [*] Fixed Player not receiving more than 250exp [*] Fixed Error card making things unclickable [*] Fixed collage puzzle sometimes not completing [*] Fixed Pitch black objects and characters [*] Fixed Sparks going through lobby [*] Fixed Crouching and dropping survivor at same time softlocks survivor [*] Fixed Sabotages not saving [*] Fixed perk inconsistencies between scoreboard and player list [*] Optimization for Destroy A Toy, including effects and overall performance [/list]