We have made a mistake setting the regional price of the game. We are going to lower the price as soon as we can for most regions outside of the US, so we would say hold off from buying the game until this is settled. Apologies. Now onto the patch notes. v1.0.186: - Fixed an issue where getting caught by Pizzaface could crash your game. (This time for real) - Fixed an issue where getting out of a secret could stop the main level's music. v1.0.185: - Freezerator now uses the correct version of the first song. - Adjusted the difficulty for the final section of Floor 4's boss fight. - Pepperman's carving statues now show the grab icon to be more clear. - Updated the credits. - Added a tip on how to Grab Dash up a wall in the tutorial. - Fixed some spelling. - Fixed the Pig Citizen's being above the ground in escape. - Fixed the Golf Demon's sound effect being really loud when there's a bunch around. - Fixed an issue where you could get softlocked by dying right before phase 2 or right before the duel in Vigilante's boss fight. - Fixed an issue where the final boss fight could appear before he should. - Fixed an issue where you could exploit the cards in Fastfood Saloon by restarting the level. - Fixed an issue where if you exited out of the final sequence you would repeat a cutscene. - Fixed an issue where Greaseball would play the hit sound effect a bunch if hit by a parried projectile. - Fixed an issue where the scream wouldn't happen at the beginning of phase 2 in the Noise boss fight. - Fixed several tile errors. NOTE: The performance issues while using pattern clothes will be fixed at a later update as it will require some more days to fix, I recommend avoiding those right now. We are also aware of some issues with gamepad deadzones and screen issues when tabbing out, minimizing, etc. We're actively working on a lot of fixes coming soon.