Gamepad settings are finally here! You can now set custom bindings for certain actions, plus some other neat additions like being able to remove Superjumping/Groundpounding from the joystick and assign it to one of the gamepad buttons or adjusting some deadzones sliders to cater to your specific controller. Now onto the patch notes: v1.0.21: - The intro no longer starts the timer to have more accurate times. - You can now bypass custom font creation to use the default font by setting the *_dir variable to noone. (More clear example in lang/english.txt) - Fixed an issue where resetting the configuration wouldn't reset the deadzone sliders. - Fixed an issue where you could save the gamepad bindings while empty, resulting in a crash next time you booted up the game. - Fixed an issue where if you set Taunt or Slap to Space it would lock you out of deleting a file or exiting the game. v1.0.2: - Updated the credits. - Added the option to bind your gamepad buttons. (This removes the ability to use RB for Mach Dash by default, leaving only RT for it). - Added a new empty bind for Superjumping with the controller. - Added a new empty bind for Groundpounding with the controller. - Added a toggle to disable superjumping with the joystick. (You will need to bind the input) - Added a toggle to disable groundpounding with the joystick. (You will need to bind the input) - Added a general deadzone slider. - Added a horizontal/vertical deadzone slider. (They take into account the general deadzone value) - Added a deadzone slider for moving with the stick with the superjump. - Added a button under Controls to reset your controls configuration. - Added a tip in Pizzascape's third secret. - Playing on Steam Deck now forces you to run the game in fullscreen. - The mouse now hides after a while in windowed mode, or completely in any of the fullscreen modes. (Except the main menu to punch Peppino) - You can no longer assign Space to the pause bind. - You can now punch Peppino with RT when using a gamepad. - You can no longer assign binds with the incorrect device. (Keyboard with gamepad/Gamepad with keyboard) - The delete prompt now requires you to hold down "Yes" to delete. - The "Hold to delete save" text is now red. - When you don't have a bind assigned it now displays "None". - The options menu graphic in the main menu now uses the start button if you use a gamepad instead of always displaying "Esc". - The Golf Burger now shoots the Greaseball behind him instead of in a random direction. - The tutorial text now reflects your gamepad bindings. - Some rumble tweaks. - Fixed an issue where the joystick press wouldn't properly reset. - Fixed an issue where the bandito chicken's dynamite could destroy rats. - Fixed an issue where getting the shotgun at the beginning of War would open up the exit gate. - Fixed an issue where getting hurt at the final sequence of the fourth boss would make it insanely fast. - Fixed an issue where the pillar wouldn't give score. - Fixed an issue where the save file timer would still be counting during the rank screen. - Fixed an issue where you could get 101% before getting all achievements. - Fixed an issue where you could get interrupted by the torch projectile while using the supertaunt, locking you out of the "No One Is Safe" achievement. - Fixed an issue where the animatronic state didn't use the correct animation speed - Fixed an issue where swapping to keyboard while the controller was vibrating would make the controller keep vibrating forever. - Fixed an issue where you would get locked out of the Gun-On-A-Stick achievement if you did the first secret. - Fixed an issue where the patrollers in the secrets would count towards the Let Them Sleep achievement, locking you out of it. - Some level design tweaks.