- Updated the soundtest to have the updated song titles. - Fixed an issue where you could bind the same keys between the menu bindings, causing a softlock. - Fixed an issue where "Yeesh" and the "I'm Coming" judgements were swapped in the main menu. - Fixed an issue where the palette wouldn't work correctly on Noisey in the taxi transition. - Fixed an issue where landing the final hit on Vigilante could cause the camera to glitch horribly. - Fixed an issue where getting a Times Up at the same time as entering/exiting a secret would make you tiny. - Fixed an issue where you could superjump in the clown transformation. - Fixed an issue where you could still get a P rank if you dropped your combo and refreshed it in the same frame. - Fixed an issue where the fourth boss didn't have the correct title in Noise mode. - Fixed an issue where the bosses could get stuck in the final phase of Pizzaface. - Fixed an issue where the fourth boss used the Noise jump sound instead of the Peppino one. - Fixed an issue where the fourth boss still had the grab marker when playing as Noise. - Several fixes for the secret mode.