- Having an outdated english.txt file will no longer outright crash you, instead a warning will be displayed. - You can now have a custom caption font for custom languages. - Texture page optimizations. - Added a Granny to the first room of Tricky Treat. - Added a new effect for collecting pumpkins in Tricky Treat for better clarity. - Fixed an issue where the rank screen wouldn't display the timer properly. - Fixed an issue where jumping wouldn't reset your movespeed correctly, resulting in odd behaviour with the Grab Cancel. - Fixed an issue where you wouldn't be able to bind the key used for deleting bindings. - Fixed an issue where the level/save timer would sometimes skip a second. - Fixed an issue where tiles wouldn't appear in Deep Dish Nine. - Fixed an issue where the Fun Farm and Deep Dish Nine achievements appeared in the wrong order in the Chef Tasks menu. - Removed the falling animation after getting caught by the Ghost Pumpkin. - Added LiveSplit support per speedrunners requests. Enable it with "-livesplit" in the launch options. LiveSplit Buffer (fixed buffer, 2048 size) specifications: - Magic numbers (all u8): [194, 90, 23, 101, 190, 77, 223, 214, 242, 28, 209, 59, 167, 166, 31, 195, 183, 56, 233, 233, 194, 252, 191, 9, 171, 159, 95, 22, 174, 20, 237, 100] - string : game version - f64 : file minutes - f64 : file seconds - f64 : level minutes - f64 : level seconds - string (u8 64 bits allocation) : room name - u8 : existance of endlevelfade object bool