Happy Halloween from the Pizza Tower team! This is a small update that adds a secret level, some Halloween goodies, Steam Community items and other changes! [b]Secrets Of The World:[/b] We've scrambled all of the secrets together, see if you can beat all of them in one go. [b]Pumpkin Hunt:[/b] After beating the game in any save file, you can attempt to find all of the hidden pumpkins in each level. This will unlock some Halloween themed outfits and a mysterious pumpkin door on the first floor... [b]Steam Community items:[/b] Trading cards, Badges, Emoticons and Profile backgrounds are now available! [b]Changelog: [/b] - Revamped the input system - The timer is now frame-based instead of using delta time as it caused several discrepancies for speedrunners. - The ghost now uses 360 directional movement when using a joystick. - Added a new Speedrun Timer option that keeps track of the timer even when paused. - Added multiple binds to the same actions - Added bindings for menu actions - Added a "screenshake" option under Options -> Game - Added a new menu for achievements when playing a level - Added a clearer indication that you're deleting a file in the main menu. - Added a silhouette when you don't have the lap 2 portal unlocked. - Added new bindings for Superjump and Groundpound for keyboard. - Added toggles for using Superjump/Groundpound with the direction keys. - Changed the default deadzone values. - Fixed an issue where several UI elements still persisted after disabling the HUD. - Fixed the ability to uppercut during the clown transfo. - Fixed an issue where the hitboxes would appear facing the wrong direction sometimes, causing the player to get hurt from behind the enemy. - Fixed an issue where Mach 2 wouldn't have coyote time. - Fixed an issue where Snotty's grave wouldn't appear in Exit. - Fixed an issue where resetting the controls configuration wouldn't reset certain properties. - Fixed some audio shenanigans. - Fixed some tile errors. - [b]Peppibot Factory:[/b] Lap 2 room is less janky, the last dashpad conveyor spawns more slowly - [b]Gnome Forest:[/b] There are now rat fairies in longer rooms that gives you points, the last secret with Peppino has been made easier to keep the combo in - [b]Pizzascare:[/b] Gustavo drops on the ramp on destroys it when you get near it. - [b]Oh Shit!:[/b] The john room section now has rats to roll into to extend the combo - [b]Ancient Cheese:[/b] Timer for the escape has been extended a bit. - Multiple optimizations - Updated the Steamworks extension.