[b]Update 0.1 Patch Notes[/b] In this update, we focused on addressing some major bugs that were causing frustration among players. We’ve also made some design changes. Overall, this update is primarily aimed at fixing important issues. [b]BUG FIXES[/b] [olist] [*] Fixed the issue where the Cashier NPC would freeze [*] Fixed the issue where customers would get stuck in line [*] Resolved the end-of-day error [*] Price tags have been corrected [*] Fixed the issue with medicines getting mixed up on shelves [*] Corrected product names [*] Fixed translation errors [/olist] NEW SAVE SYSTEM We’ve replaced the old local save system with Steam Cloud saves. This eliminates the issue of lost save files. [b]NEW FEATURES[/b] [olist] [*] You can now carry up to 3 medicines at once. [*] The main menu has been completely redesigned. [*] Computer interfaces have been updated and redesigned. [*] The XP bar has been revamped. [/olist]