Hello everyone, first of all, we can consider this demo version as an open beta. We are aware of the existing bugs and are working to fix them. During the Steam Next Fest, we will continue to release updates and fix bugs. Right after the festival ends, we will release a new prologue version with additional features and updates based on the feedback from you, our valued players. Please let us know what you would like to see in this version here and on our Discord server. [i][/i]Additionally, here are the plans for the post-festival version: A user guide when starting the game. An assistant for the cash register. Performance improvements. A few new mechanics. Fixes for some level-related bugs. Making the city more lively and giving the impression of a living city. Changes in the decoration system, such as changing floor materials and reducing the time required for wall painting. Adding new unique decoration materials. And more. Please get in touch with us and provide feedback. Let's build a great game together and enjoy the fun! Discord: https://discord.gg/Wx6YM4et YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2oxO0DsbkXKj_mSD0K10Ow https://store.steampowered.com/app/2930320/Eczane_Simlatr/