Hello everyone, Today we released version 0.1. Firstly, thank you for your amazing feedback; we haven't ignored your requests and have prepared a new update for the Pharmacy Simulator Pre-demo. Here are the update notes: NEW ADDITIONS: The customer interaction interface has been changed, and now there's a more streamlined design. We completely revamped the POS system, making it much easier to use. You can now enter fractional amounts more easily. A trash bin has been added at the store entrance, so you no longer need to go far to dispose of trash. When the game starts, a series of tasks will be waiting for you, which you can consider as a tutorial on how to play the demo. The character speed and the speed of the cargo cart have been increased. The floor material box has been changed. You can now place 4 floor material boxes on the cart. The time for wall painting and floor material changing has been doubled. BUG FIXES: The issue with the POS system not accepting the same entered amount has been fixed. The issue of decoration items purchased from the store not appearing at the spawn point or sinking into the ground has been fixed. Several minor bug fixes have been made. The "invisible block" issue has been resolved. Performance improvements have been made: Optimization improvements have been made for low-end systems. That's all for now. See you soon with new updates.