[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45058166/3a60862d44dbfc26326604013f85502bf345dc0e.png[/img] [h3][b]Release Patch 8 ![/b][/h3] [h5][b]Main[/b][/h5] [list] [*]Creatures now spawn around the boss and not the player [*]A lot of Event related damage are now player’s health % based and unavoidable (no more cheating!) [*]You now need to truly perfectly accomplish an event before receiving the achievement for it [*]The boss now talks… [*]You can now surrender during the fight via the menu [*]Resetting the fight now despawn all the loot (you should have gathered it before… or buy the auto loot) [*]When the mini bosses are auto killed by the boss launching a Skull Event, they no longer drop Benediction Stones [*]For every mini boss alive, Death gains a buff protecting it from damage [/list] [h5][b]Skill[/b][/h5] [list] [*]To compensate for the unskippable damage of some mechanics, the CD of Invulnerability is lowered from 45 to 40 [*]Deploy Shield now prevents the player from obtaining Death Mark on every monster hit [/list] [h5][b]Skull Events[/b][/h5] [list] [*][Wheel Of Fortune] The safe rune is now displayed under the neon timer instead of one’s player head [*][Wheel of Fortune] Failing now deal 350 instead of 250 in normal mode [*][Skull Event - Electricity Pillar] The speed at which in converge or diverge is slightly slower [/list] [h5][b]Benediction[/b][/h5] [list] [*]The bonus allowing you to spawn more benedictions per mini boss is now capped at 1 more [/list] [h5][b]Other[/b][/h5] [list] [*]Various optimisation across all systems [*]Added a Credit button to the menu to show…the credit! [*]Added a neon arrow in town by the Benediction Rock until you open the Benediction UI [*]When the boss kills all the creatures to spawn an event there is a visual wave crossing the screen and the destructables like towers are also destroyed [*]During the fight when the skill choices appear there is a grace window before the skills are selectable to ensure no wrong clicks [*]Closing the character selection window now auto select the last viewed character [*]Invulnerability now protect against being pulled or bumped [*]Now only display the number of stacks on a boss debuff/buff when there is more than 1 [*]Mini bosses health bar are now behind everything UI element [*]Approching a Benediction Stone now highlight which one is selected [*]Double the size of the invulnerability shield dropping on the ground [*]New mini boss, the cave crasher got an update [*]Visiting the Credit page awards 50 blood crystals [*]There is now a report bug button in the option redirecting to the game’s Discord [*]New option to hide the active benediction panels during the fight [/list] [h5][b]Bug Fixes[/b][/h5] [list] [*][Skull Event - Electricity Pillar Converging] The converging AoE is now back! [*]Visual bug - Hide the lock (and particles) on the Improving Stars handle in the Constellation panel the first time it is open after unlocking it [*]Fixed the collider of the Pizza Telegraph which captured the player way off the area [*]Dragging a bifrost into its slot in a weird way now doesn’t leave you with a sprite hanging [*]Visual bug - Unlocking forging or improving stars now correctly remove the locked handle [*]Visual bug - The reset sound button now have the correct text [*]Fix a bug occurring when looting a Benediction Stone at the same time as the fight resets (death) [*]Fix the collider on the bump player boss action [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45058166/3a60862d44dbfc26326604013f85502bf345dc0e.png[/img]