[h2]Balance Adjustments[/h2] [list] [*] Increased the display time for some of the message UI. [*] Adjusted the collision detection of walls in the "Horror Forest Archive." [*] Made it so that the range within which buildings can be placed is displayed in relocation mode. [*] The contents of containers and crafting targets are also shown when you open the city map. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where some items were not displayed correctly in the key configuration. [*] Fixed a bug where players would occasionally be moved to a distant location after getting off a boat. [*] Fixed a bug where the equipment type and icon were not displayed correctly in the glider's item details. [*] Fixed a bug where graphics would not render properly in certain Mac environments. As a result, the option "Optimize Item Effect Rendering" has been removed from Settings > Others on Mac. [*] Fixed a bug where ATK was displayed on the wooden fishing rod. [*] Fixed an issue where help categories were not properly organized. [*] Fixed a bug where some help item titles were not displaying. [*] Removed duplicated analyzable items placed on the field. [*] Fixed the wording in the descriptions of some items. [/list]