Hey everyone, just wanted to send out a quick announcement to beta players. I just released an update to Leena that adds [i][b]steam achievements[/b][/i] to the game, just in time for Early Access. For now only just a few achievements exist. Due to this update, in order to have the best play experience, I recommend deleting your save file, as previously completed levels with achievements will not unlock those achievements. For the players that have gained access today, I highly recommend doing this to have the best play experience if you have already started playing but wish to have all achievements. You can find the savedata file at: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Project_Leena [i][b]Retry Options[/b][/i] This update adds some quality of life additions in the form of level retries. Previously if you failed a level, you would be taken back to the map select screen and had to re-watch cutscenes. Now, if you fail a level, you will be given the option to restart the map OR to exit to map select. Upon clearing the level, it will continue to any cutscenes and send you back to map select as usual. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42433900/4b37faab3c07c612fb5404a27acde9c026fed4e6.png[/img] Should you encounter any bugs, please report them in the community hub so I can squash them. Currently the last playable level is Nightmare Realm - Ghost Trap (World 7, level 1). Completing this level will not unlock further levels nor clear for the moment. I expect to update once more before Early Access in a few days, and then continue to update at a steady pace following the release. Stay tuned!