Released Patch v1.0.1.8
Author: Arch Twilight,
published 6 days ago,
One of Leena's final patches before Release, this one is for balancing the latter half of the game, the end game content, as well as fixing a few bugs.
- Fixed a critical bug with certain bosses crashing the game in worlds 7 through 10
- Adjusted and balanced the waves of world 2, 4, and worlds 7 through 10
- Adjusted the starting gold of several maps
- Adjusted the grid size and expansions of worlds 7 through 10
- Adjusted some dialogue
- Fixed a bug in the item shop displaying incorrect item data if at least one item is in the inventory
- Added more bosses to some maps
- Adjusted the unique monster Exhausteeds explosion damage and explosion start time
- Reduced the price of all items in the item shop
- Increased the health gain of barriers and grinders per upgrade level by 5
- Reduced the prices of the following towers: Leena, Icicle, Missile, Portals, Flamethrower, Pellet, Freeze Mine, Vortex and Push