[h2]Survivor Diary #4[/h2] [i]I’ve lived in a city my whole life, and you get so used to the sounds around you: doors slamming, police sirens, people talking outside your apartment at 2am; dogs barking. All of this fades into the background, becoming a comfort blanket of white noise that you barely notice. And then one day, it’s gone. The streets are silent. And suddenly, it’s the smallest sounds that start to leap out at you: the dragging of feet outside your door. The scratching of rotting fingernails against the glass of the window you’re hiding behind. A breath that lingers and crackles, echoing down the empty alley below. Luckily there’s still some power, meaning night isn’t as terrifying as it could be. I don’t know how long that’ll last though. Sometimes I can hear gunshots in the distance: somebody’s still out there, fighting, surviving. And that gives me a little bit of hope. I swear I heard a couple of people run past yesterday - the National Guard checkpoints can be a gold mine, if you get to them before other survivors do. I’m rounding up the last of my supplies tonight - running low on bandages. Once I’ve got enough, I’m gonna go find that antenna. This city might have been my home once, but it’s a cold, grey, mass grave now. Either I get out, or I join the rest of the poor saps who tried to make it here. I just want to hear voices again. Not a radio broadcast, but actual people talking nearby. I don’t care if it’s outside a tent, or in some big shared barracks. I just want to know I’m not alone anymore. I just wanna feel like there’s a world left. [/i] [h2]Note from Nay0r:[/h2] Welcome to Broadway - the shattered remnants of a city once filled with life, and now the domain of the dead. You’ll be hacking your way through crowds of zeds lit up the burning carcass of a rescue chopper, frantically reloading as you drag yourself through the sewers of the city, and bandaging your wounds in the flickering lights of what was once your home. Behind every corner lurks more threats, but perhaps you’ll make it out…if you work together. [previewyoutube=mI-inomGMzw;full][/previewyoutube] [i][b]Early Access Reminder[/b] As always, we treat the words ‘Early Access’ the way they’re meant to be treated, particularly as we’re a team working around the world, many of us in our spare time, balancing NMRIH2 alongside supporting our families and full-time careers. Launching in Early Access gives us the opportunity to open up our production and growth to people who want to play an early and active role in our development journey – sloppy undead warts and all! By releasing in EA, our sales will help us provide the means for our team to keep working on the game through to Version 1. We’re hard at work making something awesome, and Early Access is a big milestone on that journey, and it’s exactly that: a milestone! We have a lot of things planned beyond EA, from optimisation to more maps; new weapons to feedback-led improvements. By joining us on this journey, you’re playing a key role in making NMRIH2 the best it can be. We can’t wait to have you along for the ride.[/i]