[h2]Survivor Diary #2[/h2] [i]For the first few days, all we did was survive. Scratching what living we could from the cold, dead ashes of a world that – what felt like only yesterday – had been screaming at us to keep consuming the super-size burgers and pumpkin spice lattes. A lot of people relied on the ‘survival guides’ from the Old World, and if you look reaaaaally carefully at a horde, I swear you’ll sometimes see zeds clutching those books. Turns out that we took a lot for granted. Seriously, when was the last time you properly thought about where your electricity came from? You’d just hit the plug and off you go. Those of us that made it through that dark period quickly realised that the old laws had been torn up, and surviving this Hell was going to need a whole new set of rules. Things ain’t so easy now. These days, if you need power, you need to find your own generator; your own fuel. Been injured? No more hospitals, so you better know how to use a first aid kit. Someone trying to break into your shelter? No phones to call for help, and if a fight starts, hope you know how to fire a gun or swing an axe… Thankfully, some bright sparks have begun writing some of the ‘new rules’ down and sharing them in safe houses. If you’re lucky enough to bump into other survivors who have a shred of humanity left, one of the most common conversation topics is the new tips and tricks that we’re hearing on the grapevine. Last night I spent an hour or two talking to this young couple from Prospect. We’d been running from the same horde, ended up crossing paths, and (after some “who the hell are you?!” tension) agreed to help each other out for a couple of days. They’d noticed my shooting was a little rusty (hey, in my defence, it’s been years since the Academy), and so we spent some time really making sure I could focus before taking my shots. Made a hell of a difference today when we scouted the cemetery together. Obviously we don’t talk too loudly or for too long, because you don’t want any unwanted company to come a-knockin’. But in a broken world, the ‘new rules’ feel like a good way of sticking together.[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39540272/ab0314d1f9348dede276c3be0dc212dedaef95d0.jpg[/img] [h2]Note from Hawk:[/h2] The end of the world is a scary place, and there’s a lot to learn if you want to survive! In No More Room in Hell, things aren’t as simple as health bars. You’ll be facing a host of challenges, like balancing your ammo, juggling inventory weight, tackling environmental obstacles, and curing infections. And if you want to call for help, you’ll need to know how to power up the radio! To make our game as accessible as possible for both new and experienced players, we’ve been speaking with some of our most trusted Survivors and have pulled together a Tutorial to help you learn the ropes. We’ve made sure the Tutorial covers the key elements of the gameplay loop and how to survive, so we highly recommend completing it before heading out into the big, wide, zombie-filled world! [h2]Early Access Reminder[/h2] As always, we treat the words ‘Early Access’ the way they’re meant to be treated, particularly as we’re a team working around the world, many of us in our spare time, balancing NMRIH2 alongside supporting our families and full-time careers. Launching in Early Access gives us the opportunity to open up our production and growth to people who want to play an early and active role in our development journey – sloppy undead warts and all! By releasing in EA, our sales will help us provide the means for our team to keep working on the game through to Version 1. We’re hard at work making something awesome, and Early Access is a big milestone on that journey, and it’s exactly that: a milestone! We have a lot of things planned beyond EA, from optimisation to more maps; new weapons to feedback-led improvements. By joining us on this journey, you’re playing a key role in making NMRIH2 the best it can be. We can’t wait to have you along for the ride.