Hello Survivors! Welcome to May’s Development Blog where we have survivors looking forward with cautious curiosity, and preparing to take a swing at whatever lies ahead for them. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39540272/d157423dec36b24446bd6bdbb3af0c8e794c6aeb.png[/img] [i]Your sweaty hands slip on the handle as you attempt to look around the corner for what is coming next. The way your heart jumps into your throat as you speculate what that sound could be, maybe another survivor? Someone who can help? Hope vanishes as you hear a gurgle and ripping sound, and the heart that was in your throat drops as you shift your grip on your fire axe. Not a survivor. [/i] When it comes to horror there is a lot of emotion that is carried by the unknown. Behind the scenes we are aware of what we want our players to be experiencing, to be questioning every sound, every shadow, every movement at the corner of their eye. Concept Art is vital to sharing how we can deliver that feeling. It's in the lighting of the scene, the placement of bodies, where an encounter takes place, and even how many players we think will be around. They also cover how a location should be laid out for players What story do you see? [previewyoutube=sL3F4h1ELDc;full][/previewyoutube] There are very few weapons that can tell the story of survival in the early stages of an outbreak like a Fire Axe can. A useful tool that could open doors to save others, it doubles as a weapon one can shove or swing with when dealing with the undead scourge as it awakens. For a survivor looking to get out of urban centres, a fire axe can help clear the way of former occupants. [previewyoutube=FJydMgAvL2w;full][/previewyoutube] In No More Room in Hell 2, the Fire Axe can be helpful to shove zombies back, and strike as an overhead head with a powerful 2-handed grip. Unlike the hatchet, the Fire Axe swings slower but with an extended reach, and a harder hit. Along with being a classic weapon against zombies for crowd control, it is also great to deal with any doors and barricades you come across. Keep it sharp, practice your swings, and you may find that a Fire Axe becomes your new favorite tool in your arsenal. [previewyoutube=yA2768eWEKA;full]SinisterWays.wav [/previewyoutube] [i]What’s around the next turn? The call to leave, get out, to run is so strong, but running makes noise, noise attracts attention, attention brings trouble, and you cannot always outrun trouble. What happens when trouble finds you?[/i] The uneasy feeling is replaced by something more terrifying, more sinister that embeds itself in your chest, clawing upwards, aiming for your brains. The infection takes over. On that note, see you in June, Survivors!