Salutations, Duelists! As of Wednesday, October 4th, 2024, a new patch has gone live for NeoDuel: Backpack Monsters. To experience the most recent and up to date build of NeoDuel on Steam, make sure you update your game. [u][b][h1]NEW FEATURE:[/h1][/b][/u] [list] [*] [b]Fusion List in Codex:[/b] The codex now features a new tab called Fusion. Let's call it our recipe list for all Evolutions and Fusions in the game, which should help many learn this important mechanic in our game. [img][/img] [*] [b]Fusion Lock:[/b] We know some of you have been asking for this, preferring to have two Firefist side by side, without resulting into the Fusion Molten Punch. All you have to do is right click on the Cosmions in the backpack, and you'll see a padlock icon on it for visibility (similar to locking Cosmions in the shop offers to prevent reroll). [img][/img] [b]Codex Cosmion links: [/b]All Cosmion possible links will now appear upon hovering over them in both the list of critters as well as the Fusion list. [img][/img] [b]Visual updates to icons:[/b] For better readability, especially after the Fusion Lock feature, we've switched the "reroll lock" icon in the shop to a "reserved table card" with a checkmark. We also updated the Codex top right icon to better match our visual identity of being more digital based than paper based. [img][/img] [/list] [h2][u][b]BUGFIXES[/b][/u][/h2] [list] [*] [b]Codex overlay bug - part 2:[/b] The bug was semi-fixed yesterday with 1.0.5. When checking the Codex, Cosmions would get removed from backpack. This has been full resolved, and we also removed the mouse interaction with the background, as the Codex acts as an "overlay" on top of the shop screen, which should result in fixing frame drop issues when checking it. [*] [b]Fusion Cosmions disappearance[/b] Some of our Duelists reported problems of Cosmions disappearing when they disconnected during battle. [/list] [b][h1]COSMION & ESSENCE BALANCING AND CHANGES[/h1][/b] [b]AIR BASED COSMION & ESSENCE[/b] [list] [*] [b]Galewing[/b]: Damage range reduced from 20-22 to 18-21 [/list] For the most recent news, join the NeoDuel community by following us on [url=]Twitter[/url] or hopping into the [url=]T4W Discord server[/url]. Please contact our support channel on the [url=]T4W Discord server[/url] if you need assistance with typical technical issues or if you are unable to resolve your problem. Till then, keep on dueling, and good luck! [img][/img]