Salutations, Duelists! As of Tuesday, June 11, 2024, the newest hotfix for NeoDuel: Backpack Monsters, the following modifications are available. you experience the most recent NeoDuel demo on Steam, make sure you update your game. [u][b][h1]IMPROVEMENTS & ADJUSTMENTS[/h1][/b][/u] [b]UNIQUE COSMIONS BALANCING[/b] [list] [*] Z E U S: Cooldown has been upgraded from 2.5 to 4 [*] Revlana: Reduced damage range from 15-20 to 12-26 [/list] [b]Developer’s Notes: [/b][i]Apparently two of our unique Cosmions added recently were a little over the top. We’ve decided to balance them out to make sure they are not overused.[/i] [b]AIR-BASED COSMION & ESSENCE[/b] [list] [*] Yekrut: Stamina reduced from 4 to 3, while damaged range is now reduced from 20-22 to 18-20. [/list] [b]Developer’s Note:[/b] [i]Our beloved eagle, symbol of talisman and glory in our developer’s nation was spending a bit too much stamina. We tweak that consumption but had to lessen its damage output to keep it fair. [/i] [b]NATURE BASED COSMION & ESSENCE[/b] [list] [*] Maestoad: Reduced energy cost from 3.5 to 2.75 [/list] [b]Developer’s Notes:[/b] [i]Our new Cosmion was a little weaker than intended, so we hope this change will make it appealing for your builds. [/i] [b]MISCELLANEOUS CHANGES[/b] [list] [*] Show us all the links! Pressing alt or G on the keyboards now show all the linked Cosmions and essences. [/list] [h1][u][b]BUGFIXES[/b][/u][/h1] [list] [*] Knod links now decrease to the correct amount of energy [*] Volucris now fuses only the intended way [*] Localization fixes for current supported languages [/list] For the most recent news, join the NeoDuel community by following us on [url=]Twitter[/url] or hopping into the [url=]T4W Discord server[/url]. Please contact our support channel on the [url=]T4W Discord server[/url] if you need assistance with typical technical issues or if you are unable to resolve your problem. Till then, keep on dueling, and good luck!