Salutations, Duelists! As of Tuesday, October 1st, 2024, a new patch has gone live for NeoDuel: Backpack Monsters. To experience the most recent and up to date build of NeoDuel on Steam, make sure you update your game. Here's what to expect in this patch note: [u][b][h2]NEW FEATURES AND CONTENT[/h2][/b][/u] [list] [*] [b]New game mode: Casual runs[/b]: Last week's patch was the preparational work for introducing a new mode that allows Duelist to try new builds, combos and more without the fear of losing Elo. That mode is now live, called simply Casual mode: you'll be able to start a "normal" run (Ranked) as well as casual one, and eventually give up or continue both or neither. So go wild, try your freakiest builds without fear of losing your coveted rank or medal win streak. [/list] [u][b][h2]COSMION & ESSENCE BALANCING AND CHANGES[/h2][/b][/u] In this patch you will see a bunch of balance changes around links. Links are how players express skill, and we felt some of them aren't as rewarding as they should, especially in stronger Cosmions. This patch SHOULD make the game feel better on that front, paired with some other stat changes to make sure nothing is too strong or weak. In case you missed it, you can also watch our monthly AMA with Lead Gameplay Designer Bahadır Van to understand how we tackle these balancing topics. [previewyoutube=VpUslY_EF1k;full][/previewyoutube] [b]AIR BASED COSMION[/b] [list] [*] Galewings: Gain 2 clarity. [*] Parryplus: Base shield value lowered from 90 to 70. New Link effect now will be to gain 20 Shield. [/list] [b]Developer’s Notes: [/b][i]Parryplus had some link effects which no one cared about it seems, so we decided to reshape it. [/i] [b]ELECTRIC BASED COSMION[/b] [list] [*] Nikola 7: Base damage has been raised from 27 to 30. [*] Voltroost: Based damage range upped from 22-25 to 25-30 [*] Voltrex: Upped value of link effect from 1 to 2 Max Energy. Based damage range upped from 45-65 to 50-70 [*] Shock Duck: Lowered energy consumption from 2 to 1. [*] Belestra: Upped critical chance damage from 25% to 50%. (technically an Electric/Nature Cosmion) [*] Tokmak: Energy cost lowered from 2.5 to 2. [*] Shoal: Upped Haste on stun from 3 to 5. [/list] [b]Developer’s Notes: [/b][i]Electrocute was a scary keyword in the past (pre-launch era), and we do not want them to come back to their former overpowered glory, but they still deserve SOME love. [/i] [b]FIRE BASED COSMION[/b] [list] [*] Ifry: When opponent is below 50% health, Ifry will now increase enemy Burn effect by 30%. That's upped from previously 10%. Cost in shop upped by 2. [*] Ifraltus: When opponent is below 50% health, Ifraltus will now increase enemy Burn effect by 50% and heal the same ammount. That's upped from previously 20%. [*] Pyrofur: Upped possible links by 1. [*] Cinderjaw: Upped possible links by 1. [*] Houshan: Cooldown upped from 3.5 to 4. [*] Blaze Duck: Energy cost lowered from 3 to 1.5. [*] Fire Khepira: Base damage range lowered from 12-14 to 11-12. [*] Cinderjaw: Accuracy upped from 85% to 95% [/list] [b]Developer’s Notes: [/b][i]Ifry and ifraltus had very low stats for some time now. To not boost the already rising popularity of Fire builds, we've paired with some nerfs as well including Houshan's changes (being a backbone of most Fire builds these days). [/i] [b]ICE BASED COSMION[/b] [list] [*] Isvasal: Cooldown reduced from 6 to 7 seconds. [*] Suat: Base damage lowered from 18-24 to 17-23. [/list] [b]NATURE BASED COSMION[/b] [list] [*] Ziran: Effects on links changed from +1 Spike to +15 Shield. [*] Monofloa: Upped possible links by 1. [*] Ansham: Start of game effect now inflicting 7 Acid instead of 5. [*] Verdentclaw: Upped shield gain from 10 to 15. [*] Trifloa: Upped possible links by 1. [*] Liskers: Upped cost in shop from 7 to 8 [*] Sapprion: Link effect upped from 1 to 2 Spike. [*] Maestoad: Accuracy upped from 90% to 100%. Base damage upped from 14-16 to 15-19 [/list] [b]Developer’s Notes: [/b][i]A lot of these stats felt low at the moment, such as Verdentclaw and Maestoad. On top of that, we decided to change Ziran's effects as it didn't make sense for it to grant a random Spike effect and replaced it with Shield. [/i] [b]NEUTRAL BASED COSMION[/b] [list] [*] Knod: Upped possible links by 1. Accuracy upped from 75% to 90%. [*] Pedro: Upped possible links by 1. Base damage range lowered from 6-9 to 6-8. [/list] [b]WATER BASED COSMION[/b] [list] [*] Arthur: Reduced cost in shop by 1. [*] Aqualith: Upped the number of random buffs per link from 1 to 2. [*] Serenius: Based damage range upped from 30-35 to 35-40. Energy cost lowered from 4 to 3. [/list] [h2][u][b]BUGFIXES AND KNOWN ISSUES[/b][/u][/h2] [list] [*][b]Cosmion link effect bugs - FIXED [/b]: A handful of Cosmions had visual bugs in terms of what their link effects meant. We've done some cleanup on those and made sure they work as intended thanks to our community. [*][b]Verdantclaw's shield gain bug - FIXED [/b]: Our beloved starter Nature evolution shield gain didn't used to increase with the Bloodlust upgrade. This should be fixed now according to our testing. [*][b]Steam Deck bugs - KNOWN ISSUE [/b]: Steam Deck running on Linux means that lots of those OS bugs are affecting Neoduel "on the go". Expect to see black bar in places where some animations are not loading correctly, and there's small instances of cloud save not working as intended, creating a different instance of your save on the machine. We're currently investigating a fix. [*][b]Achievements - KNOWN ISSUE [/b]: We recieved small reports of certain complex achievements like "Fusion Complete" are not triggering upon completion. We're currently investigating a fix but require more data so don't hesitate to open a support ticket on Discord. [/list] For the most recent news, join the NeoDuel community by following us on [url=]Twitter[/url] or hopping into the [url=]T4W Discord server[/url]. Please contact our support channel on the [url=]T4W Discord server[/url] if you need assistance with typical technical issues or if you are unable to resolve your problem. Till then, keep on dueling, and good luck! [img][/img]