Salutations, Duelists! As of Thursday, October 17th, 2024, a new patch has gone live for NeoDuel: Backpack Monsters. To experience the most recent and up to date build of NeoDuel on Steam, make sure you update your game. [u][b][h1]NEW FEATURES AND CONTENT:[/h1][/b][/u] [list] [*] [b]New game mode: Unranked - [b]Coming Soon:[/b][/b] We know most of you have been trying some new builds, but are worried about losing Elo while doing those experiments. We figured the Unranked mode was needed for that, for a more chill place to try and learn without the fear of dropping in ranks. The patch readies the game for it, but the mode will be coming in live pretty soon. [*] [b]3 New Cosmions: [/b] Cosmions are key to the gameplay, and sometimes we introduce new ones to fill in some gaps that exist in the current meta. While some might look like a familiar evolution, others are newcomers to the Duelist's backpack: [list] [*] PeThor: Pedro's evolution grants him the power of the famous Hammer-wielding god of thunder. All you need is fusing Pedro with Zcythe, and this attacker gains 1 damage per each of its 5 links that are active. [*] Naci: A fresh new Neutral starter Cosmion. The fusion of a Neutral Domi with a Fire essence, this Cosmion will force an increase of Frostbite detonation requirement by 1. [*] Quopon: Fan-favorite Duopon has finally found a way to evolve! Place two Duopon together to fuse them into the Nature defender Quopon, granting 6 Restoration at start, and with each 2 Nature links gain one more Restoration. [/list] [/list] [img][/img] [b][u][h1]QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS[/h1][/u][/b] [list] [*] [b]Updated Codex:[/b] We read that people weren't satisfied with the amount of information conveyed in the codex, so we added some more clarity, updated the example videos, and even some "starter" example builds to get you going. [*] [b]Link Visual Change:[/b] Links looking the same confused a lot of players, so we are bringing a visual change to add better readability. Whatever the requirement of that link is, that's what is going to be shown from now on. [img][/img] [*] [b]Optimized background logs:[/b] Most of you won't feel this change, but it's our way to cut down on logging requirement on your devices, to hopefully fix some small performance issues when too much was going on in a duel. [/list] [h2][u][b]BUGFIXES[/b][/u][/h2] [list] [*] [b]Localization improvements:[/b] Thanks to feedback from our Korean, Chinese and Japanese community, we've done an optimization pass for those languages in the game. [/list] For the most recent news, join the NeoDuel community by following us on [url=]Twitter[/url] or hopping into the [url=]T4W Discord server[/url]. Please contact our support channel on the [url=]T4W Discord server[/url] if you need assistance with typical technical issues or if you are unable to resolve your problem. Till then, keep on dueling, and good luck! [img][/img]