Salutations, Duelists! As of Wednesday, October 3rd, 2024, a new patch has gone live for NeoDuel: Backpack Monsters. To experience the most recent and up to date build of NeoDuel on Steam, make sure you update your game. [u][b][h1]NEW FEATURE:[/h1][/b][/u] [list] [*] [b]Flavor Text Localization:[/b] A semi-missing feature we had from launch now resolved. All Cosmion flavor text for all of our 11 supported languages are live. Discover the lore of NeoDuel. [*] [b]Rarity percentage added:[/b] When you hover over the reroll button, you will see the probabilities in percentage form of all rarities. [*] [b]Shop reroll animation: [/b]We added a small entrance VFX animation to Cosmions in the shop when rerolling the offerings. [/list] [h2][u][b]BUGFIXES[/b][/u][/h2] [list] [*] [b]Codex overlay bug:[/b] When going into the codex and leaving, some Cosmions would get too exited and jump out of the backpack. This has been resolved. [*] [b]Energy Info panel bug: [/b]Fixed and issue where the pull down info panel displayed wrong calculation of energy consumption. [*] [b]Fusion fix:[/b] The fix we did in 1.0.4 actually broke some small - but essential - thing in the game, and had to tune it. Most of you didn't notice but it could've become a serious issue. [/list] [b][h1]COSMION & ESSENCE BALANCING AND CHANGES[/h1][/b] [b]NATURE BASED COSMION & ESSENCE[/b] [list] [*] [b]Duopon[/b]: Restoration effect reduced from 4 to 3. [/list] [b]NEUTRAL BASED COSMION & ESSENCE[/b] [list] [*] [b]Teen Dragon[/b]: Minimum damange lowered from 11 to 10 [*] [b]Pedro[/b]: Energy consumption reduced from 4.5 to 4 [/list] [b]ICE BASED COSMION & ESSENCE[/b] [list] [*] [b]Isvasal[/b]: Cooldown upped from 5 to 6 [/list] For the most recent news, join the NeoDuel community by following us on [url=]Twitter[/url] or hopping into the [url=]T4W Discord server[/url]. Please contact our support channel on the [url=]T4W Discord server[/url] if you need assistance with typical technical issues or if you are unable to resolve your problem. Till then, keep on dueling, and good luck! [img][/img]