Greetings, Striver. Magratheus returns to bless you with a fifth new range of fixes in[b] our latest patch for the Morbid: The Lords of Ire Demo.[/b] [b]Read the full Demo Patch Notes #5 below:[/b] [list] [*]Combat flow has been greatly improved, and should generally feel much smoother [*]Small projectiles (like arrows) are now deflectable by a well timed block [*]New unblockable attack effects added [*]Combat camera has been updated [*]Non-target combat has been tweaked and improved on [*]Tutorial has been updated to be more clear on certain things [*]Misc improvements and fixes [*]More bugs have been squashed [/list] With these changes, a new experience awaits you in the realm of Rimehold. We hope you have enjoyed battling through the demo so far, and hope that this new patch helps improve your experience! Pick up your Sword of Dibrom and start on your perilous path that lies before you, Striver... Play the Demo now on Steam!