[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42433959/39edefdb28eee077148be722296c7286df3bc4dc.png[/img] We are about to be 2.5 weeks into Early Access, and for this end of week, we have the following for you in our brand-new v0.222 - inspired by your feedback. [b]New Monsters in the dozen[/b] We have added various new types of mobs to each of our 3 stages, starting with their visual appearance (let’s see which functional activity they might learn over time, those stupid guys). We hope that you’ll like them, ah no, quite the opposite: mow these ill-favored invaders mercilessly! The new diversity comes with our initiative to extend the possibilities to play longer than the standard 10 minutes per run. In our conducted poll, concluded on Sunday, you clearly opted for a prolongation to 15 or even 20 minutes. With the help of the perk “Portal Master”, you can adjust accordingly, not only for yourself, but also for those who are joining your multi-player run. [b]Meet other players in our new lobby system[/b] Talking about multi-player… As you know, we have started MnM to bring both multi-player and a flavor of MMORPG to this genre of Roguelite / Bullet Hell / Survival. Whilst it has always been fun, to play a game you like with your best friends together, it is obviously oftentimes easier to orchestrate and yet interesting to play with hitherto unknown coop partners. Our new lobby system allows Hosts to create any desired run and in addition to providing the Join-Code to friends as before, now you can opt to publish your round in our public lobby for anyone to come along. Not only those old enough like ourselves to remember the early Diablo lobby, will surely figure out how it goes. In case, you want to connect with your new acquaintances and fellow mowers, click the Discord button in-game and meet-up chatting on our server. As before, please understand that we are still early – adding such a feature despite serious testing could produce ‘funny edge cases’ – please continue to assist us in providing your feedback, bug reports and additional suggestions in our [url=https://discord.com/invite/mDDQMceFE7]Discord[/url]. Many thx! [h1][b]Patch Notes v0.222[/b][/h1] [b]Multi-player Lobby (new): Tony, the barkeeper improved his social skills![/b] [list][*]Join runs opened by other players, according to your optionally set preferences re. number of players and stage played. [*]Join via browsing through a list of currently available runs or Quick-Join directly according to your preferences. [*]Open runs as Host selecting number of players, stage played and applying all your potential might with the perk “Portal Master” as it comes to all the different settings of the run. [*]Continue to provide Join Codes to your friends to make sure they are part of your experience. [*]Kick undesired joiners, if ever need be, before you start the run.[/list] [b]5 new types of mobs on each stage (Black Forest, East Bridge, Icy Fields) to spice up experience, especially in longer runs.[/b] Portal Master perk: fix of Shared Kills functionality (1 out of 6 on/off-settings of Portal Master in addition to choice of duration of run). Weapon Evolution hotfix (on Sat, Nov 5th) in v0.215 (released on Fri, Nov 4th): Rogue and Warlock weapons Lvl 10 work correctly again since then. [b]Against the foes, with the bro’s! Mow’s![/b] Your ELEET GAMES team