[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42433959/0628f0dd1a7fac03552864142fa2ce6f4b9fa991.png[/img] We just deployed a new update incorporating a few fixes that were thankfully suggested by you, especially regarding progression and balancing. Many thx for your constructive feedback! We adjusted the following: [list][*]hitboxes / monster melee attacks [*]gold-drop increased to reduce grind [*]gold required to unlock extra chars (Rogue, Warlock) decreased [*]monster spawning on top of player impossible [*]Soul Rift perk immediate application[/list] Unfortunately, the impossibility of any sort of Multi-Player weighs heavy. We have worked so hard to deliver an initial, yet nice MP experience and it worked until 6pm UTC last night, then the respective servers of our provider went dark and didn’t yet come back up. Rest assured, we are not using any small service. Yet, we are seeing reports about e.g. wide-spread WhatsApp outages and similar things affecting services including true household communication brands. Let’s see how this plays out…. Providing us with at least some time to improve what we can improve (see above). Thus, many thx for your continued feedback – we listen and try to act accordingly asap. Also, congrats for having mowed down already (nearly) 10 million mobs! Keep on mowing! The ELEET GAMES team