[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42433959/fe842be73eb195180868854944fa5f298af599a5.png[/img] [b]Congratulations Asurasa![/b] You have just mowed monster # 100,000,000! You are our Million Mower # 100! You have pushed open the doors to a whole new area… with you and all others’ mighty mowing, we are now feeling encouraged and empowered… to try out some… Controller support, again. Listen, we know, how much many of you want it to work ideally, but given that there is’ quite some choice of controllers and possible constellations, we will not claim that it’s working yet as might be desirable. Simply, we have tested it and it worked for us with Xbox One, PS5, and Xbox 360 controllers. At least fully in single-player experience. Not in all cases, navigating the different UI menus for setting-up the multi-player matches. [h2][b]Patch Notes v0.250[/b][/h2] [b]Controller support update (Xbox One, PS5, Xbox 360):[/b] [list][*]In the main menu, you no longer get stuck when opening and closing dialogues (exception: credits). [*]In the level-up screen, you can continue playing if you move the mouse. [*]In the end screen, you can continue playing if you move the mouse. [*]Hide X buttons in the main menu. [*]Hide the Settings button in the main menu. [*]Hide some X-buttons in the Village Hub. [*]Filters in the Rankings dialogue are all accessible with Controller. Before, the third entry was skipped. [*]Controller logic for quest dialogue. [*]Show controller icon instead of space bar on Ultimate.[/list] We have included these detailed Patch Notes, so as to hopefully provide the foundation for some much appreciated detailed feed-back by yourselves to us. For the time being, please note: We are still not ‘officially’ claiming to provide ‘controller support’. This is still in development. Please let us now about your experience in as much detail as possible. Many thanks in advance! With your continued support, let’s fight remaining issues with controller support together, such as we have done with those invading monsters. Your ELEET GAMES team