This is not a super-exiting build, but the current goal is to leave early access the week of February 12th. The changes are becoming smaller and more polish based; this build is no exception: [b]Version 0.52[/b] [i]Achievements[/i] All achievements have been adjusted and there are new ones. [i]Arcade[/i] Arcade mode now has a simple scoring system. You also earn one costume color (if you don't have all 8) for a character upon completion. [i]VFX[/i] Updated various char effects and made them more opaque for some attacks. [i]Bug Fixes[/i] Attract Mode now chooses more than just Odon's stage. Updates VFX shader that was causing some, such as Drargos's, VFX to be nearly invisible. Upon leaving early access, will MerFight be done? NO! Obviously, any major bugs, I'll be addressing, and I plan on doing new characters down the line, but overall, I need a break and to let the game live on its own for a bit outside of early access. Around the 12th, I'll be doing a retrospective stream of the game as well, so be on the lookout. Thanks for playing and your feedback during this time.