[list] [*] Fixed a rare bug that caused storage racks to revert to a broken state. [*] Fixed the collision of storage racks, allowing you to now paint the walls around them. [*] Fixed the rope item, which would lose its interaction ability after being placed on a table. [*] Fixed Beatrice launching you into the air due to her chair's collision. [*] Fixed the Guaranteed Customers perk, which was sometimes ignored due to low shop stats. [*] Fixed customers admiring unbuilt decorations. [*] Fixed customers not using the trash cans properly. Customers can still drop trash on the ground if they don't see a trash can nearby, so make sure you build 2–3 to cover the entire shop. [*] Fixed movement speed not being affected by a full inventory. [*] Fixed some settings not being saved when changed via a controller. [*] Fixed the 3-slot planter box not displaying cucumbers. [*] Fixed the sunset time, which caused the map to become dark after 18:00. [*] Fixed, hopefully for the last time, the water wells, which caused time to slow down when closing the UI. [*] Fixed the Tips perk, which allowed some players to become super rich in just a few days. [*] Fixed changing quickslots on gamepads, which caused actions to be doubled and a quickslot to be skipped. [*] Some of you really like to explore, even on the first day, leading to full inventories and lost quest rewards. Quest rewards will now drop on the floor if your inventory is full. Additionally, as per the previous update, these rewards won’t disappear in 3 minutes like the rest of the loot. [*] Dropped loot will now disappear after 5 minutes instead of 3. Loot in the mine disappears as soon as you leave, so don’t rely on the 5 minutes there. [*] Added 2 new settings: -Disable camera sway/bob -Controller look sensitivity [*] Additionally, I’ve changed the default controller key bindings for some actions: -Jumping: B -Crouching: LS -Changing quickslots: LB + RB [*] When placing items, they will now remember the rotation of the previous item to allow faster placement. This rotation resets once you choose a different item or stop placing items. [*] Slightly reduced enemy armor. [*] Slightly decreased player movement speed, as many of you reported that it felt too fast and difficult to control when using gamepads. You can still increase movement speed with perks and boots. I’ll continue monitoring feedback on this until we find values that everyone is happy with. [/list]