Hello there, Shopkeepers! With this update we are taking care of a few things, so let's get straight into the details as usual. [b]Customers[/b] Customers are a pillar of the gameplay, and my main goal is to polish their behavior as much as possible! Until now, their shopping lists were generated based on your shop's specialization, and it was frustrating for many of you because customers were too picky, and some items would never be sold due to their type and quantity compared to the specialization. Customers will now understand that you're new to shopkeeping and will try not to be so picky. They will still create their shopping list based on your shop's specialization, but they will also buy other types of items. For example, if you spawn soldier customers, they will look for weapons and gear but may also buy food or even tools like a broom because soldiers need to eat or clean their homes too! Another important aspect is how customers rate their shopping experience and how your shop's reputation is affected by these ratings. From now on, customers will calculate their final review based on multiple factors: [list] [*] How clean the shop is [*] How many products they bought from their shopping list [*] Whether the customer needed assistance [*] Whether the shopkeeper provided assistance [*] Does the shopkeeper smell bad? [*] Is the shop navigable? [*] The products' prices [/list] [b]You'll get a really bad rating if:[/b] [list] [*] The customer can't enter or leave the shop [*] The customer couldn't find a single item on their wishlist [*] The shop is so dirty they leave immediately [*] There are no products or tables available [/list] An appealing shop might boost the final review a little. During your first days, there's also a small chance that customers might boost their final review to show some support. On top of these changes, the number of products a customer asks for will be determined based on factors such as the shopkeeper's level and shop reputation. You might see customers buying only a few things in the early days until they build some trust. The same applies to the number of customers that will visit your shop per day. Increase your shop's reputation and appeal, keep everything clean, open the shop at the right time, and you'll see more and more customers coming every single day. Additionally, customers' patience has been increased a little, and I've also added a new option that allows you to ask the customer for more time (2 minutes) to craft or gather the products they need. On top of this, customers will no longer ask you to restock prohibited items, but they will still buy them if they are displayed. (In the next update, you'll see that selling prohibited products has consequences.) [b]Sales Report UI[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43378119/2a1a212360456b9ecb5c34afcff48247975e559b.png[/img] Based on your feedback, I've added a UI to display your daily and all-time sales reports. This new UI will help you see which items sell, how customers rated their experience, how much you'll pay in taxes, etc. [b]Changelog[/b] [list] [*] The merchant's patience will no longer decrease if you have his UI open to buy products, as it felt stressful. [*] Added a new reward system for digging out stumps (you now have a small chance of getting a sapling when removing a stump). [*] Added new UI functionality for gamepad users, as they couldn't see details about the items needed for crafting. [*] Changed the location of two skill perks (Inventory Weight II with Movement Speed). [*] Honey can now be eaten. [*] Increased the fuel cap for smelter and cooking stations, as it was annoying to keep refilling it after crafting 2-3 items. [*] Added a movement speed slider, allowing you to reduce overall movement speed by up to 40%, as some players still felt the default speed was too fast, especially when using a gamepad. [*] Added the Prohibition Law time left on the Management Table Shop Stats UI. [*] The tax collector now has a daily budget to spend on your items if you decide to quick-sell them. The quick-sell system was meant as a last resort in case you were so low on coins that you couldn't pay your taxes. Instead, some of you managed to build great wealth and didn't even feel the need to open the shop to sell your products. [*] Made it possible to keep placing the same item as long as there's still one left in the inventory (e.g., hammers, which you previously had to select and place one by one). [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where gold deposits wouldn't spawn if you unlocked the second gate too quickly. [*] Fixed a bug where enemies in the mine had a higher level than they should, scaling too fast. [*] Fixed customers spawning trash in the bedroom, storage room, or outdoors. [*] Fixed customers going into your bedroom or storage room to inspect decorations. [*] Fixed the merchant not leaving the shop if he got stuck. [*] Fixed the thief not leaving the shop if there were no items to steal unless you restocked the shelves. [*] Fixed customers spawning trash on the floor even if there was a trash can nearby. [*] Fixed the merchant not selling higher-tier items if you hadn’t unlocked them. [*] Fixed Beatrice being unable to sell tree saplings. [*] Fixed royal rugs wrongly displaying multiple styles. [*] Fixed soundtracks being affected by the merchant’s UI sound effects. [*] Fixed Prohibition Law logic, balancing banned items and the law’s duration. [*] Fixed a bug that allowed you to spam Split Stack of Items and duplicate them. [*] Fixed a bug where you could keep dragging an item in the inventory after closing the UI. [*] Fixed customers asking for assistance without showing which products they wanted. [*] Fixed tax calculations after selling an item (you should pay fewer taxes now). [*] Fixed not getting empty bottles and buckets back after crafting certain recipes or watering vegetables with a full inventory. [*] Fixed items being duplicated if they were on a shelf and you saved and loaded the game immediately after a sales day ended. [*] Fixed not being able to quick-sell the last item in the inventory. [*] Fixed some floating foliage around the map. [*] Fixed cloud saves not syncing correctly between different platforms (e.g., PC to Steam Deck). [*] Fixed some spelling errors. [*] Fixed soundtrack transitions when the portal was opened, and you left and returned to the shop. [*] Fixed buttons in the Sleep UI that would always trigger Sleeping even when Quick Nap was selected. [*] Fixed a bug causing the Select Save File UI to get stuck after deleting a save file. [*] Fixed crafting station UIs resetting to the first slot after crafting an item. [/list]