Hey everyone, This patch for Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered contains primarily stability improvements. We have been monitoring game stability based on reports coming in and have identified a number of problems which this patch will address. There are a few other smaller updates including some extra improvements for ultra-wide support in here as well. [h2]Patch Notes[/h2] [list] [*]Fixes for a variety of stability improvements based on your reports. [*]Fixed an issue where the sides of the screen could incorrectly be blurred when using 32:9 aspect ratio. [*]Fixed an issue where radio waveforms would not always render in the correct location when using wide aspect ratios. [*]Various other minor improvements and optimizations. [/list] [quote]For other issues we are currently tracking or investigating, please refer to our [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1817070/discussions/0/3394049806859148024/]Known Issues[/url]. If you encounter any of these problems, please [url=https://insom.games/MSMRPCS]contact support[/url] to help us gather more data and insights.[/quote]