Hey everyone, This update contains a fix for an issue that was introduced with the patch we released on the 12th of October. Changes made in that version could result in GPU crashes on systems with Windows 10 build 19042 (20H2) and older. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. [h2]Release Notes[/h2] [list] [*]Reverted a change that could cause a GPU crash on startup on older Windows 10 versions. [/list] [quote]For other issues we are currently tracking or investigating, please refer to our [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1817070/discussions/0/3394049806859148024/]Known Issues[/url]. If you encounter any of these problems, please [url=https://insom.games/MSMRPCS]contact support[/url] to help us gather more data and insights.[/quote]