This hotfix patch includes: [list] [*] Solved issue where when continuing a game, the player wouldn't have as much energy as they should, if they had upgraded energy through perks or otherwise. [*] Items on some levels stopped showing up, even though their sound triggered. This couldn't be replicated by me, but the particular area of code has been updated for more robustness, hopefully this solves the issue. [*] A new Perk overview has been added to the UI (go into inventory and select Perks). This will show all active perks, without having to visit an Alter of Souls. [*] The info text showing when the Ultimate ability is ready is now displayed for longer time and the sound effect's volume is turned up to make players easier notice it. [*] Solved an issue where player's could be stuck in a loading screen. [*] Added two more ranks to the "Energized" Perk, making players able to gain a bonus of 10 energy points through that perk alone. [/list]