[h3]Bug fixes[/h3] [list] [*] More fixes for not being able to talk to companions [*] Fixed Evelius being braindead after throwing something at him in his final dialogue [*] Fixed getting stuck at the top of walls in the purple segment [*] Another attempt in fixing zombie Alva [*] Input fixes (no throwing while dropping, no drop while throwing, big gold sack can not be equipped anymore) [*] Fixes for multiple gold exploits [/list] [h3]Other[/h3] [list] [*] Monsters lose their armor when sliding on a banana peel (not just the player as a monster) [/list] [h3]Upcoming stuff we're currently working on[/h3] [list] [*] Skip button for intro scenes [*] Ultra Widescreen support [*] Cave segment [*] One new village quest [*]...and of course, more bug fixes! [/list]