Von Wanst makes a comeback as the Lucky Tower Ultimate demo returns! During GDC, Lucky Tower Ultimate will be featured in Day of the Devs San Fransisco Edition, and The Mix & Kinda Funny's Spring Games Showcase, which means it's time to escape from the tower again (and again and again)! The demo will be available until Monday March 25th. Good luck, adventurers, and don't forget to wishlist Lucky Tower Ultimate on Steam! Changelog (NextFest -> GDC): [list] [*] A lot of bug fixes! [*] Easier to pick up items: They hover higher above the ground and small items are rendered before the player. You can now also pick up items with the equip command. [*] You can now meet every companion in any mood (sad/angry/happy) everywhere in the tower, not just trapped in cages. [*] You can now enter and use the tower's toilet (if you find it). [*] Banana peels leave a visible trail if you step on them. [*] It's now way easier to give Evelius items that he demands via thumbs up / thumbs down instead of unequipping stuff. That's also true for giving companions gold if they demand it. [*] Heal a companion suffering from poisoning by giving them food. [*] You can now wear armor as a monster. [*] A bunch of new helmets and hats! Colorful peasant caps, a heavy cone-shaped helmet and a spiked helmet. [/list] Want more Lucky Tower Ultimate? [list] [*] [url=https://bit.ly/4aaGW9K]Join the Studio Seufz Discord server[/url] [*] [url=https://bit.ly/3PmrOy8]Follow Studio Seufz on Twitter[/url] [*] [url=https://bit.ly/3VjuZKF]Follow Studio Seufz on Tiktok[/url] [/list] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1700270/Lucky_Tower_Ultimate/