Hey folks, and welcome to [b]UPDATE 2![/b] This has been a really important one for the team, with a focus on stability and squashing the bugs you've all been finding! As always, thank you for chatting to us in the forums and over on Discord, and for all your reviews! If you haven't left one yet, please consider doing so, they help us out a massive amount! [h3][b]AS AN IMPORTANT NOTE: As part of this update, we have had to reset your config file. If you have made any changes there, you will need to go back to the file and make them again (after running the game)[/b][/h3] Right, on to the fun bit - here's what's changed for UPDATE 2!! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40409106/86ea68453fbb19af38e640996d46bd2ca0d56fb0.png[/img] [h2]Quality Of Life[/h2] [list] [*] Stopped research reminder if you have unlocked all research - your building will no longer ping you every day! [*] Made the research reminder pop out only when you have enough points to actually unlock something in the grid [*] Moved the animal release hub pop up to be a blocking message, so the game will never auto-cancel it when something more important happens [*] Added a clearer differentiation between previously unlocked items and locked items when viewing a category in the research grid - hopefully, this should be easier for you to see now! [*] Added clearer feedback when you cannot afford research but are trying to click to unlock it [*] Added blue tick in research to help highlight things the player can currently afford [*] Added text to undertaker UI to show their current task - these folks should be easier to follow now [*] We also made undertakers react to dead animals transferred from facilities on that day, previously the list didn't update properly, so they would only collect them the next day. [*] Added Tasmania onto the world map (hello Tasmania!) [*] Revised Undertaker code for when you press the “Call undertaker” button, to make the system more reliable [*] Added option to abort babies when turning “contraception all” on, to help make the contraception system easier to understand - this should mean you stop getting extra, surprise babies! [*] Added “NoFlashingLights” to the config.text, if set to t for true - unlocking research will shake the camera less, and result in fewer white flashes on the screen [*] Added additional screen resolution (2560x1280) to windowed mode options [*] Made the breeding UI species select slightly clearer by making animals that have stars also darken out if you do not have any breeding pairs - this was more confusing in the pen specific view where you could see an animal lit up even if it wasn't in that pen [*] Added new pop-ups to make it clearer why zookeepers are blocked - hopefully, this should help you work out where your problems are if you have any! [*] Added system that highlights the keeper who is blocked, and the location they are trying to reach for further clarity [*] Optimized code for building when paused - customers will now only try and recheck their paths when the game speed is unpaused which makes the game slightly smoother for larger zoos [*] Added the ability to turn off all customer pop up UI vai the config.txt file [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40409106/b8d2700cb26f887ff92617e7b395eaa9d95d75ae.png[/img] [h2]Stability / Bugs[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a memory leak that was leading to multiple crashes in the game - if you've been dropping us some crash reports, it would be great to know if they're now fixed! [*] Fixed pathfinding nullreference crash - this should be another big one to help get your games stable! [*] Fixed crash from using floor paintbrush out of bounds [*] Fixed bug where Lettuce was being used by the pizza shop, making the 14day order system not work as intended - if you've been having tortoise problems, this should now be sorted for you! [*] Fixed crash where singular pieces of trash would have an incorrect location [*] Fixed rare crash with Selected Animal UI [*] Fixed issue where animal poop would sometimes be uncollectable due to a mismatched Pen ID [*] Fixed possible unreported crash with factory smoke [*] Fixed Bacon Factory Achievement [*] Changed windows process display name [*] Added the correct mouseover highlight color to the research grid for the “Infinite CRISPR buildings” research entry [*] Fixed a bug where clicking on pen > animals, the list of animals was still showing animals that had already been picked up by the undertaker [*] Fixed the quantum upgrade not taking effect until you close and open the game again [*] Fixed black strip rendering on the side of the screen in world map view [*] Added camera scrolling to the world map, so that players in ultra-widescreen can still scroll to all of the zoo icons [*] Some text headings had a scaling bug where they would always overrun the box length in any language at certain resolutions, these have been fixed! [*] Entered previously missing text for the Recycling Worker and Furnace Worker when viewed in the collection screen [*] Fixed layout for shop recipe row for different resolutions [*] Fixed issue where animals in the nursery might not get contraception applied correctly when they return to the pen [*] Fixed Research counter issue, not tallying correctly after adding new research items to the game [*] Applied a fix to employees getting stuck in enclosure gate if you move the pen when they are walking to it [*] Fixed a specific crash - If an animal is about to give birth, hold the breeding building in 'move' and it will crash at the moment of giving birth [*] Fixed financial table rendering the wrong values for donations, building rebates (after researching this bonus) and atm commissions [*] Fixed building costs for pens being recorded into the infrastructure category and not in animal pens in the financial table [*] Fixed firing employee during probation not counting to number of people fired - hence not getting achievement [*] Handled orphaned animals when destroying nursery when a mother is pregnant - now aborts them and removes properly [*] Made it impossible to dismiss the employee resignation popup (no close button) by clicking out of the panel. This could eventually lead to a crash, so you should be safe now! [*] Fixed a crash relating to viewing breeding windows [*] Fixed Kaiju and Pip's quests not unlocking correctly. (This will also now allow you to obtain the kaiju achievement) [*] Made notification for water not show a red warning sign for robot animal pens [*] Clarified text on completing some quests, that would say “A new task will be available” when you actually have to wait a number of days for the next quest to unlock [*] Fixed “farmer blocked” notification sometimes firing at the wrong time [*] Stopped ticket price too cheap notification, when the ticket price is already at max (y'all running EXPENSIVE ZOOS!) [*] Ensured customers will always enter the park when the ticket price is free (unless there are protestors making them decide not to go in) [*] Fixed bug where the “business person bus” would result in inaccurate customer numbers reporting - these folks are now having to sign in like everyone else! [*] Fixed issue with paintbrush not always painting correctly [*] Fixed bug where old paintbrush for the floor would still show when switching between floor types [*] Fixed that sometimes the data of the building you are moving to be overwritten, which would lead to a crash [*] Fixed game always launching in safe mode on a fresh new game even when no display issues were found [*] Fixed reset to the default button in keybindings immediately applying default keybinds even if player cancels afterwards [*] Fixed another issue with zookeepers getting blocked when trying to get animal excrement due to a Pen ID mismatch. This is only fixed upon reloading a save after the data error has happened. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40409106/df79d40061edf648cc5d33d46391687a90cbf6f3.png[/img] WHEW, that was a lot! Thanks again for reading, and let us know if you run into issues - we're still reading through all your feedback too, thank you to everyone who has been writing to us! Cheers and we'll see you in the next update! Springloaded & No More Robots xoxoxo