Hey there everyone, welcome to another HUGE UPDATE for Let's Build a Zoo! The team have been wanting to add water for a little while but wanted to make sure it was special, not just another floor tile for you to use. We're all super proud of their efforts, and with this new patch, your animals will be able to take a little dip, have a little splash and be thoroughly entertained and enriched by any water features you add to their enclosures! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40409106/eca335370615359ec409c08cf869ef17d90ee9eb.gif[/img] Here is what's new, including some fixes and lots of new content. Bear with us, it's a long list! [h3][u][b]Patch Notes for 1.1.9_4 [/b][/u][/h3] [list] [*] Made a new water system – Animals will need as much as 90% less enrichment if they have access to lakes! (Some animals like water more than others do, but you get to figure that out) [*] Made animals jump in and out of water (enjoy!!) [*] Fixed a broken quest line for Kathleen and added the unlockable Final End News to the Newspaper Journal [*] Fixed the number not updating for the population manager building UI when a pen is destroyed [*] Fixed visitors using several subway teleports in a row [*] Tweaked pathfinding to give better pathing [*] Fixed a pathfinding memory leak (this time for good!) [*] Fixed the pen builder trying to build through subways [*] Added a nice forest below the zoo [*] Added a ‘back’ button to the character select/ zoo naming screen [*] Fixed the prices changing for pens – no more weird profits! [*] Added zoning for Farmers and Crop Pickers [*] Added a red/blue outline in Animal Selection to easily show gender [*] Added arrows to cycle through CRISPR and Breeding buildings [*] Added a highlight around variants being bred in the Breeding Management screen to highlight different variants easier [*] Added a Pen Summary View showing ALL your pens – Access it by hitting the Y key! [*] Added a checkbox to apply salary changes and bonuses to all employees of that type [*] Added a gender icon to animals in the Pen > Animals list [*] Changed text when moving farms – it no longer calls them pens [*] Fixed the population manager showing a pen not in your lists – it now also does partial donations if you’re missing the money to donate them all! [*] Lowered the time it takes to hire a geneticist, and converted the time into days if over 24 hours [*] Added sorting in the Animal Selection menu – you can now sort by Age, Gender and Variant [*] Cleared up the quest stamps [*] Set the nutrition building to auto-order food as soon as the first one is built [*] Fixed a crash where moving a farm would put trash out of bounds [*] Added a small info panel on zoning maps for pens [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40409106/2af2bffeadf3c09c5e02fd897246bb1460f945a7.gif[/img] [*] Fixed the Sewage Recirculators – these were not counting properly [*] Edited the utilities panel to make Sewage Recirculators and Electricity Siphon’s use more clear [*] Fixed the ‘apply to all’ checkbox that wasn’t applying extra ingredients across shops. Also fixed it not applying settings to new shops built. [*] Fixed the water heat map – it was getting confused when moving water troughs and then cancelling the move again [*] Cancelled heat maps if you’re building – this should make placing bins much easier! [*] Fixed the undertakers not picking up corpses from edited pens [*] Fixed an issue where the abattoir worker would get stuck and wouldn’t know which direction to go in [*] Fixed up the light calculations (hopefully no more silly numbers - e.g. if item 1 is 40% and item 2 is 10%, item 2 would have counted as 50%, making the total 90% instead of 50%!) [*] Fixed a bug where ratings (light, deco and facility) were one step behind after destroying items [*] Fixed the Choco Vending Machine not giving facility points [*] Removed frame saying ‘+0 animals space’ when converting pen to robot animals [*] Added Lake category to the research tree [*] Fixed an inconsistency in going backwards through the enrichment menus [*] Added notifications on the left for battery and nursery animals that have stopped production [*] Fixed item descriptions when building through the pen menus [*] Added a Water Decorations category when building pens [*] Updated the building counter in the collection summary [*] Improved logic for choosing breeding pairs in the nursery – we’ll be avoiding pregnant animals and prioritising lifespan from here on out! [*] Fixed where ‘Arctic’ is misspelt as “Artic” [*] Made night-time slightly less dark (and have banished the terrors) [*] Allowed click out of building mode for pens more easily [*]Fixed the French translation sometimes showing * in places [*] Fixed transport sometimes not unlocking properly [*] Clamped ‘cash held’ display in the save summary [*] Changed the building code for rotations – offset snap/jump is now fixed! [*] Changed the way the pen builder blocks the mouse when trying to build over a pen or farm [*] Fixed an end of week camera lock bug [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40409106/d2e399ca863a97bce60259d210ada8e416422f07.gif[/img] Phew, that was a lot! There are a lot of changes in there that we know folks were looking for, and the team are excited to start work on the next update that may be smaller, but it is something you've wanted for a while! We'll see you then!