Hi zookeepers! We've got a new update for you - [b]the Monstrous Structures Update![/b] It's an exciting time for Let's Build a Zoo, you can grab it as part of a Daily Deal, which means you can grab the game and the DLCs at their deepest discounts yet! But of course we couldn't celebrate without an update! Here are the main things you can expect: [b]ANIMAL NAMES![/b] You can now give your own names to your animals, so now they can have even more personality! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40409106/be82ed72c0d7e1cfae96582ee8ac5d4cd67febc1.png[/img] [b]New decoration items![/b] Now you have even more features to add to your zoo, and can make them stand out even more! Including brand new decorative items and a new zoo entrance themed around Let's Build a Dungeon, the upcoming sequel to Let's Build a Zoo. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40409106/7d7093e51d0b42fc6af505713877da1fe98767f1.png[/img] And here is the full list of all the changes & bug fixes: [list] [*] You can now rename animals! [*] New Deco, Lights, Bins, Signboards inspired by Let's Build a Dungeon [*] New Main Zoo Entrance [*] Animal-keepers and poop factory-workers improved by making them collect the closest accessible poop they can see in an enclosure [*] All animal selection panel now pops out an additional confirmation panel when there are animals selected and the player wants to revert their changes (goes back to the previous menu with B/Esc) [*] New notification alert that helps to remind the player to add animals to batteries/barns that are idling [*] Animal-keepers (or anyone that uses any gate/door) no longer gets stuck when the enclosure re-shaped while the person is waiting for the door to open [*] Fixed selected tabs at the top of various UI panels (e.g. Animal Panel) offseting too much upwards on bigger resolutions [*] Fixed mouseover textbox prematurely wrapping its text when hovering over the categories of the build menu [*] Fixed font scaling of 'Prerequisite' panel when hovering over a research tile for non-alphanumeric languages [*] Fixed close button overlapping mouseover tooltip boxes of menu buttons [*] Final Score in the extended Animal Rating panel now reflects the same value as the park rating's animal rating [*] Progress bar in task notification now updates to yellow when the progress goes back below 100% [*] Animals that is cloned by the animal-management now retain its status after loading from a save-file [*] Fixed unable to drag to pan around the zoo at the bottom of the screen when the build bar is open or in delete mode [*] Fixed rendering issues for the research grid's points panel and the category filters panel on bigger resolutions [*] Fixed animal icons in animal-management 'Pen Summary' and 'Wildlife Reintroduction' panels to not become too small on smaller resolutions [*] Fixed animal-management pen summary showing rabbits as the main animal on empty enclosures [*] Fixed clipping issues of the buy button and the money box in the 'Order Helper' panel on bigger resolutions [*] Fixed overflowing more items label (the "+99" label) in 'Goods to process' frame in various factory panels [*] Added a 'carbon-emission' panel to the build panel when a tree is selected in the build menu bar [*] Fixed 'Applicant Hiring' panel displays only 6 applicants after hiring one from 8 applicants [*] Paragraph texts (e.g. in Critical Choice) now move upwards when thumbstick is pushed down for controllers [*] Agriculture panel and its menu-bar now closes completely after selecting a desired plant to cultivate on a plot of farmland [*] Influencer's 'Event Report' panel can now be fast-forwarded if clicked on it again the second time (this only works on the second visit of the influencers onwards) [*] Research top-bar element no longer reminds players about unspent research points when they have already unlocked everything [*] Enabled the pause screen in the research grid [*] Added sound when building new land [*] Added the ability to track all shops and facilities that has vacancies from the 'Manage Employee' panel [*] Fixed rows not aligned in 'Hire Applicant' list when an applicant is confirmed too quickly while other applicants are still animating/moving [*] Employees resignation will now be limited to 3 per day [*] 'Pooped-Out' Dino achievement no longer miss-fire during mid-flight when transferring between zoos [*] Dollar panel at the top bar now flashes the correct colour based on the cash earned/spent [*] Category name tooltips now appear on the selected category in build menu bar when using controllers [*] Fixed cursor re-appearing in 'View Objects' panel after deleting an item when examining an enclosure using the controller [*] Animal names in create/edit job entry will now show '???' if the animal is undiscovered yet [*] 'View Objects' build panel now goes back to the correct item after moving the item in the enclosure [*] CRISPR Building DNA structure now resumes spinning after moving it [*] Fixed 'Inspect' button not working in the animal panel when the animal is selected from the 'Animals' panel when inspecting an enclosure using the controller [*] Various customers (e.g. Protestors and Animal-Welfare Person) no longer get stuck and stays in one location [*] Fixed a big lag that happens at the start of each day for big zoos regarding animal feeding [*] Added 'New' to the animal icon in 'Confirm Abort' panel in nursery [*] Fixed Animal management short description panel at the top cuts off prematurely in certain resolution and UI scale [*] Enclosure items in 'View Objects' when examining an enclosure is now sorted [*] Rotary icons now darkens instead of going semi-transparent when disabled [*] Fixed visitors count in the top-bar going negative at the end of the day [*] Delete mode now returns back to delete mode after firing employees when deleting a building [*] Using delete mode from the rotary icons no longer returns back to the build menu after exiting delete mode [*] Using delete mode from the rotary icons no longer loses the cursor after the saving the day [*] Zoo gate no longer closes prematurely when the zoo is still open at night [*] Reworked facility rating percentage to reflect more based on visitor's satisfaction with zoo's facilities [*] Research tab's 'Spent Points Reminder' in the top bar no longer pop-out and blocks the adjacent park rating tab when players are currently viewing it [*] Notification pins (e.g. the pins that show enclosures with "low water") no longer flicker when active [*] Tiles that are unlocked in critical choices no longer repeatedly be shown as a new thing [*] UFOs no longer have a chance to spawn in other zoos after travelling via plane from the classic zoo [*] 'Zoo New Zoo' achievements now works when unlocking DLC zoos [*] Buy A Bus' quest can now be completed with the purchase of any bus [*] Trash picked up by Janitors will now contribute to recycling. Janitors will now go to a recycling centre (if any) to empty their trash [*] Red lobsters now have a very small chance of giving birth to blue lobsters [*] Population manager now able to perform 'Removing of Excess Animals' where they remove all animals that is not managed by animal management from an enclosure [*] Facilities, incinerators and various building panels can now be cycled through its buildings of the same type [*] Game no longer crashes at the end of the day if the research hub is built that day but not examined [*] Idling population managers now notify players if they have not been assigned any work zones [*] Fixed Aztec arch front facing night lights [*] Fixed selected highlight for chew toys [*] Fixed titles for critical choices not fitting into the panel correctly at high screen resolutions [*] Fixed mascots not collecting donations after a day [*] Fixed bus routes not being unlocked if you complete multiple Transport Planner quests at the same time [*] Fixed incinerator workers idling when there are carcasses to collect from meat processors [*] Species info for hybrid animals now show hybrid info [*] Fixed dead bodies from animal encounters not moving with pen and crashing on load if it is outside the pen [*] Fixed "Report Black Market" good morality points not decreasing as per description [*] Allow removal of non-refundable lake tiles during build mode [*] Zoning animal management worker view now able to close when using controllers [*] Fixed customers on left and right-facing benches drawing in front of other objects [*] When zoning employees to pens in the heatmap, highlighted enclosures now only shows the status of the current selected employee (instead of all employees assigned to that enclosure) [*] Fixed controller selection issue in the 'Animal' panel in the 'Management Office' panel [*] Fixed some buildings having weird offsets in their build animation [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40409106/0c9ee4d6a661b498f99c1f4b250c711283569d37.gif[/img] We still have lots more updates in the works for Let's Build a Zoo - we're excited to share our plans with you soon! Don't forget, you can wishlist the upcoming sequel: Let's Build a Dungeon right now! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2365790/Lets_Build_a_Dungeon/